Birthday Thank You

Apr 30, 2012 16:09

This is a few days late because I had a busy weekend (birthday then going to see Avengers then working) but there are some wonderful people that I want to say thank you to.

The wonderful _bluebells for the wonderful fic you wrote me - you can write kid!Adam any time, hon!

inseverusitrust for the fic which I loved so much and for the awesome card as well *g*

pippii for the extra paid account time - you really didn't have to but it means so much that you did!

And heartsonwings, lady_eilthana, kros_21, the_milky_way, akintay, lotroth, romennim and screamoutloud for the lovely messages you sent me.

And anyone else who wished me well on twitter or in person!

friends, thank you, birthday

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