(no subject)

Apr 26, 2012 21:34

Hey everyone, how are you all?

I want to welcome my new friends from avengers_land - I'm looking forward to getting to know you and feel free to ask me if you have any questions or if you want just comment with random things so we can chat *g*

I haven't really been around online all that much this week - it's been a busy one. We were at the theatre on Monday and then uni Tuesday until today has been pretty hectic. Had my last mentor training yesterday so my Wednesdays will be freer again from now on which will help. Tomorrow I'm just going to spend most of the time relaxing and then going to see Avengers with ishilde, lefoste, inseverusitrust, melpomenethemis and others on Saturday - so, so excited for that!

When I'm not doing things at the weekend I'm going to try and get some beta-reading finished and work on some of my writing because it's a while since I've had the time to write and I want to work on my Adam (SPN) fic and some Leverage fics I need to write for various things. I've missed it over the last few days!

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