(no subject)

Mar 20, 2012 09:50

I'm on a break from uni now - four weeks for over the Easter and it's really nice to have a break from having to get the bus into uni three times a week. My timetable is great in the sense I get long weekends but the middle of the week is pretty intense and tiring so it's good to have a rest! Still have work to do - reading, revision, actually need to file my notes at some point(!) - but I'm taking the chance to catch up on writing, too. Have a bunch of projects that still need a lot of work so I'm trying to be sort of structured about it. (Not that that worked yesterday, family turned up and I got none of the things done that I'd planned to get done!)

Posting the Leverage reverse bang on Thursday - quite nervous about that one as it's a pairing I've never written before and, well, it's normal to get nervous, I guess. I'm excited too, though, so that's good!

How are all of you? How are your challenges or other projects going?

writing stuff, friends, update, challenges

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