(no subject)

Feb 25, 2012 09:36

Thank you to shadownashira, ladyknightanka and oberon_titania for the virtual gifts - I love the dragons and I loved finding these when I woke up this morning!

For those of you who were talking to me about it, the babies have both been born now - two boys, one day after another and I've seen pictures and they're both gorgeous. Looking forward to actually meeting them and getting a cuddle!

I think my interview went okay - I pretty much said everything I wanted to say but it seemed really quick so I don't know, just have to wait and see now,. I should find out by the end of next week or early in the week after that whether I've got the job or not. If I do, then that's really great. If I don't, at least I've experienced an interview now.

My icon add-on runs out on the 27th so I'm going to need to go through and work out which icons I absolutely need to keep - I definitely need a lland one and there are certain favourites that I always use. The ones that worry me are the ones that accompany my challenge fics because I want them to be there with the fics but then I wouldn't use them in any other posts or comments. Hmmm.

My aims for this weekend are to:
-Read 'A Spanish Tragedy' for uni.
-Finish my reverse bang 
-Catch up on Supernatural

babies, friends, real life, thank you, update

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