Quick thoughts on The Office Job (Leverage)

Dec 07, 2011 17:05

So, I only got to finish watching this ep now and it's a bit late to type up a blow by blow reaction so have a quickie reaction post under the cut :)

This episode was fun! I really liked the documentary style of it - think it worked very well as a one off type of thing and it allowed for lots of humour and also some more subtle character exploration.

So, fun things I liked:

-Eliot stealing Hardison’s drink.

-Sophie’s ticky book

-the circle of trust fall

-The whole sandwich gag, especially when Nate thought it was a code-word for something. GENIUS SHOW.

Deeper things to note:

-Eliot’s reaction to the camera was PERFECT. People recognising his face could be so dangerous for him and especially if he’s linked to the team, he wouldn’t like it.

-Eliot: ‘this job is all about trust’ Hardison: ‘the job is all about respect’

-‘Nobody throws Hardison off a roof…except maybe me’ Yeah, Eliot, because you have to make sure you’re not being too serious about feelings.

squee, leverage season 4, shows, episode reaction, leverage

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