
Nov 06, 2011 15:50

My assessments are done! I have to physically hand my history in tomorrow but, apart from that, I'm all up to date! I still have the usual seminar work etc to do but at least things should be quieter for a little while now :)

It's the finale of this season's Downton Abbey tonight but I'm going to miss it because I'm going out to a quiz at the uni bar - should be fun :) I'm going to try not to stay out too late because I have a 9am lecture tomorrow. Going to try and finish the fic I'm working on before I go, finally feel like I'm getting back into writing properly again so I want to keep it up!

I feel really happy at the moment. Like, uni is busy and stressful but at the same time it's really awesome and I've made some amazing friends. I didn't expect it to be as easy to make friends; throughout school, I always struggled with that, even though I did have an amazing friendship group by the end of it. But this, it's been so easy. I've found an awesome group of people who love Supernatural and, more importantly, are nice, good people even without the whole liking the same things as me. I feel very lucky. So yeah, things with my family still aren't great and I still have problems like anyone does but I also have new people in my life who make me smile and a close family who are there for me. And, of course, I have you guys <3

I've decided I need to use my camera more, I always forget to take photos when I'm out and about with my friends and I want those memories. This plan will begin tonight. Yup.

i love you guys, downton, friends, uni stuff, fic stuff, ramblings

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