(no subject)

Oct 27, 2011 10:24

I have lots of work to do today so you'll probably see me procrastinating pretty much everywhere :)  Although, to be fair to myself, I have already made a start on one of my essays and there's some good news: apparently, one of the deadlines has been changed so I have an extra week to do it! I need to email the module leader to check because I'd hate for there to be a mistake and then me not hand it in but it's good news! I'm still going to try and get the bulk of it finished this week anyway so that I'm not leaving it until the last minute but it takes some of the pressure off.

An apology: I realise that I'm talking about uni stuff a lot recently and that it's probably not that interesting. I promise I'll try and talk about other things too!

One of my RL friends has started watching Leverage! I've been telling him to for ages but then one of his new friends at uni (there's that word again!) made him start watching the first season and he appears to be hooked if the quote statuses on facebook are anything to go by :) He's one of the friends that I got liking SPN too so now we have multiple shows in common. It's fun :D

I seem to be writing more again now. Wrote two fics the other day and I've also been working on some stuff that'll be a little longer (prompt fics for you, trollmela and pippii - they'll be with you soon!) So, talking about writing and prompt fics I'm going to point you all over  here to the Christmas Prompt Post that I put up yesterday (I'm trying to make sure I hit every time zone!) I'd also like to point out that I don't expect anything in return at all - I don't give expecting to receive so there's no pressure :)

Also, I love Cho!

christmas, friends, real life, prompt, leverage, writing

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