How amazing and exciting and downright awesome was this episode? I mean, it made me cry and gasp and bite my nails. There’s so much to talk about here and I know I’m going to forget some things so feel free to mention anything I've missed in comments so I can squee about those too! There's spoilers abound beneath the cut, along with some speculation about what things mean/what is to come. (I think some of it may even be meta)
-I have to start with Sam and Dean. Dean and Sam. The brothers. Guys, they’re brothers and they’re amazing and oh my god. Seriously, doesn’t it just feel like they’re in everything together now?! And there’s trust there again and honesty and it’s so beautiful. I LOVED the interactions between them in this episode. Dean was definitely in full on protective big brother mode this episode and it was so good to watch. I mean, that scene where Dean was fussing over Sam’s hand and asking him if he’s okay and awwwwwww. And then Bobby took over but Dean was still there and checking on him. H/c to the max, guys!!!
And then there was the scene in the warehouse with the Dean hallucination and then real!Dean being all kickass and real and awesome. Okay, so first of all, how perfect was it that Sam hallucinated about Dean? Of course he's going to hallucinate about Dean saying there's no hope for him, it just makes sense. Also, I loved that it was a classic SPN twist in the sense that, up until Dean said that, we thought it was Dean and then there was that moment when I was all 'Dean wouldn't say that, oh my gosh'!
Dean talking about Hell and knowing what's real and what isn't, how they both know what torture is like. Dean pressing his thumb into Sam's wound because he NEEDS Sam to know he's real, that he's there for him. (Also, the classic Dean type line of 'this conversation does not call for weapon discharge', just because it was an awesome line.) THIS is why I love this show. Because of the brothers and Jensen and Jared's acting and the twists.
- Okay, I'm going to talk about Cas now. I'm still not sure whether he's gone for good yet. It still feels like they're going to bring him back to me but I could be wrong. Either way, that bit with the trench coat was very poignant and Dean's reaction was heartbreaking. I do think he'll be back in some way or another, though. Is it totally crazy of me to wonder whether he's going to be the vessel for 'the boss' that the Leviathans were talking about? It'd make sense, right? If the not-boss ones can take over humans, then the boss might need an angel? And, if that's the case, might Castiel still have a chance at that redemption? Might there be a scene where the trench coat gets returned to it's owner? (And on that note, when is the amulet going to resurface? I'd love it if it did!)
- The conversation between Bobby and Dean worked well. Bobby trying to let Dean know he's there but being sarcastic and awkward because he and Dean have never really been the ~emotional types. Dean refusing to talk about it because he keeps everything 'locked away'.
I know some people were complaining that that was a criticism of Sam or something but it wasn't. It totally made sense. Right from season one, Dean has ALWAYS refused to talk about things and kept things locked down until it gets too much. And, right from season one, Sam has always wanted to talk about things with Dean and been slightly less able to keep things locked down in the same way Dean and John did. It's not a criticism, it's their characterisation. Dean wouldn't want Sam to be any other way, and neither would we, but it'd also make no sense for Dean to suddenly start 'doing couples yoga.' Does that make sense?
- Mark P. was totally on form again in this episode - it was the whole 'air of ordinary guy just reading magazines or whatever mixed in with freaking scary' thing again and he does it brilliantly. I loved the line about the royal wedding and the scenes between Sam and Lucifer were all fantastic (also, when he came back again in the ambulance I felt this conflict because, on the one hand, it's all 'oh, no. He's back. Sam!' but, on the other, it's like 'Yay, we get more Lucifer!)
- I love how the title card suddenly means a WHOLE lot more now. It's still awesome!
-I loved how they mentioned Dr Sexy which, traditionally has been used for comedic effect, and managed to turn it into something really creepy and disturbing. Classic Supernatural right there :)
- Dean's voice mail message to Bobby. He just can't take any more knocks - this was so revealing about his feelings about Cas and what's happening to Sam and everything. I hope Bobby's okay!!!
-That bit in the end in the ambulance (first of all, there was a mention of Sam carrying Dean! How can the show mention that and not give it to us?!) On a more serious note, how freaking awesome and worrying and cliffhangerish was this scene! Dean's concern about Sam, Sam seeing Lucifer and seizing up, Dean realising where they were heading. PERFECTION.
So yeah, I loved the episode!!!