
Sep 23, 2011 21:28

- I'm going to register at my uni tomorrow and meet up with someone I've been chatting to online. I'm pretty excited :D

- I'm creating a whole new masterpost because the one I have is all jumbled up and needs updating anyway. So that means I'm having to go through all my tags to make sure I don't miss anything. Man, my tags are all over the place. I have 'fic' and 'fics' and all other sorts of tags - I wish I'd started off more organised!!

- I haven't watched the new 'The Mentalist' yet because I still haven't finished season three - I'm slowly catching up, though.

- I'm so, so excited for Supernatural!!! I'll probably manage to watch it tomorrow evening sometime. I hope you all have an awesome time watching it whenever you manage to see it :)

supernatural season seven, uni stuff, thementalist, fic stuff

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