Fun times

Sep 10, 2011 13:00

This is my second attempt at writing this post and it's a little annoying but that's all I'm going to say about the matter because, in the end, I do actually still like lj, despite the problems at the moment.

Yesterday was awesome. The meal out with friends, the random wandering about afterwards that involved a deflecting football, lots of hugs (I like hugs) and talking about Jimmy Carter, the walking home from town rather than getting the bus (that made me feel much healthier and much less guilty about the pizza.) I know things are going to change a bit from now on, with one of my friends moving away, but I hope that that doesn't change. I hope that, when he comes back to visit, we can still all go out and get on and laugh like that.

There's a leverageland challenge due on the 12th. I have to write a fic in the form of a diary entry and, erm, as of now I've JUST decided which character to write and I've sort of made a start - as in, just ten minutes ago, so I need to get on with that. I may need someone to look it over when it's done (it'll be 750 words max) but that someone needs to be someone who isn't a member of the comm so I was wondering if there were any takers?

Not long until Supernatural now! I'm excited :) I think that me and my friends are doing another marathon some time next week so that'll be both fun and a good way to prepare for season seven.

supernatural season seven, friends, challenge, real life, supernatural, writing

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