(no subject)

Aug 31, 2011 13:00

I watched 'The King's Speech' for the first time last night (yes, I know I'm always late to these things! Still haven't seen The Social Network or Inception or Avatar, either!) Anyway, I really enjoyed it and I can see why Colin Firth and the film won so many awards. And I'll admit to shedding a tear or two, too.

I also put in an application for the leverageland comm so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be allowed into a team - it'll be the first time I've done a land comm and I'm pretty excited :D I'm also hoping it'll allow me to try out some different things and keep up my Leverage writing, the momentum that I've built up during thebigbangjob (I'm still refreshing my emails like mad for that)

I'm heading out in about ten or fifteen minutes to meet a friend for coffee in town. It kind of looks like it might rain so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll stay dry. I'm going to take my little sister with me to get her out of the house so Mum can finish off her cake. I can't believe my little sister is going to be fifteen tomorrow! It's pretty scary.

When we get back I'm going to try and finish off a fic I've been working on and get it sorted out because, apart from challenge fics, it's aaages since I've posted anything and I miss being prolific like I used to be! Plus, I want to get everything outstanding finished soon so that I'll have a clear slate as it gets nearer to Christmas. (Yes, I know it's a way off yet but I like to think ahead!)

I've been wanting to post this picture for a while so, here, have a cute Kizzie:

real life, movies, kizzie, leverage, challenges

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