(no subject)

Aug 24, 2011 10:06

We're going to go and see Harry Potter again today. I'm pretty excited because I just know I'll notice new things that I didn't the first time around and, also, it's Harry Potter. After we're done there, I'm meeting up with a friend for coffee which should be nice - I haven't really seen any of my friends recently so it'll make a nice change.

The revisions to my thebigbangjob fic are going well. I added a new element to the fic about five hours before the deadline so I'm going through at the moment and working that in and, I must say, I think the fic is better because of it. Anyway, I'm nearly done, I think and then I can send it off to the lovely redtapestry who has offered to beta it for me. I'm really excited about claims and posting and everything - it's interesting doing a challenge outside of the SPN fandom.

I'm getting so, so excited for uni now. I've been talking to some people who are doing my subjects on facebook (hit it off with one girl very well - she likes SPN!) They've also released some more information about the first night - I need to think of some beach fancy dress for the party at the students union. Anyway, me = excited.

I can't believe it's the Leverage summer finale next week - time seems to have flown by. But at least that means it isn't long now until September when Supernatural comes back for season seven :)

What have you guys been up to?

harry potter, uni, supernatural, leverage, challenges

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