Bits and Bobs

Aug 13, 2011 16:04

Thought I'd do a catch up post apart from the holiday post as there's some stuff that's been going on that would make the holiday post too long.

-When we were away, we found out that my cousin is pregnant! It's really, really great news. She came around to see us today and she was showing us the scans and it's so exciting that we're getting another baby in the family! Except that we're not just getting one new baby, we're getting two. My other cousin came around with her and told us he's going to be a Dad! Both babies are due at around the same time so that's going to be an interesting month! My male cousin brought his partners two kids with him (aged four and five) and man, they're really hyper (translate to naughty!) They're cute, though. He's going to have fun with those two, a new baby and a puppy (they got one recently.) Anyway, it's all exciting but it'd be better if the family was all speaking to each other and things.

-The talk of us getting another dog next year has increased even more. While we were away it seemed like everywhere we went there were puppies (two of which were golden retrievers!) Anyway, mum is pretty convinced about getting one now so we just need to get the grandparents on side and it's a go!

-I'm not going to say much about the riots because they've happened now and things seem to have quietened down. Suffice to say, watching the footage on the news was very upsetting and what some people went through was unbelievable. I'd like to point out, though, that despite the number of looters and rioters, there were just as many people out on the streets during the days, cleaning up and banding together and that, at least, is something positive.

-My Leverage big bang (that I mentioned in the last post) is now at 3,190 words so I've written over 1000 words today (even with the interuption of our visitors.) I'm feeling a bit better about it now, just need to keep up the momentum.

-I rewatched The Mentalist Season One on holiday with my Mum and sister and they loved it! It's good to have something else to watch that the three of us all like, along with Leverage (which, incidentally, wouldn't work on the dvd player in the cottage so we couldn't watch that all week!) Anyway, I managed to see a few of the episodes that I couldn't find online and I just love the show so much already!

-I get my results this week. Eeeeeeeeeek. I'm feeling very terrified right now!

-The holiday post will be up as soon as I can get the photos off my sister's camera to go with the ones from mine :)

thebigbangjob2011, good news, thementalist, megan gets political, leverage, family, results

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