Some things I need to tell you

Aug 02, 2011 11:26

Hey all! How are you doing?

I feel like I've been really busy over the last week or so and, because of that, I haven't had much time to be on here or to write. I think I might have to drop out of the Leverage big bang but I'm going to wait and see. I have fifteeen days to write at least 14,000 words and it would be doable if all I had to do was sit in front of my laptop and write but it's not. We're still decorating and packing for the holiday and then I'm going on holiday without my laptop and then there's like, five days maybe when I get back but that's a busy week too because I get my results and things. So basically, I'm going to try and keep writing it but if I don't get it finished in time I'm not going to stress. Oh, and I think I'm making in gen instead of Nate/Eliot because I think it'll work better with my idea. I think.

I signed up for spnslashbigbang and the spn_reversebang - that sounds bad after saying I'm struggling with the Leverage one but the deadlines etc are much later so I'm thinking ahead with those. I already have an idea for the big bang, obviously I don't for the reversebang, so hopefully that'll turn out well. Who else is taking part in either of them? Speaking of, thebigbangjob still needs more Leverage artists!

I'm going to get organised for this holiday - print out all the prompts and plot outlines and stuff to take with me so I can at least try and get something written. So yeah, wish me luck with that :D

I still haven't heard back from the summer school people about this library book so I'm going to give them until after lunch and then call them if I don't hear from them by them. I've been thinking though and I don't think they can realistically fail me for this. Surely they must know that I wouldn't be so keen to check if they've found the book and stuff if I wasn't telling the truth. I just really want to know for certain because it's nagging at me.

As I mentioned briefly (loudly) yesterday, I'm now a registered Pottermore beta-tester and member. My username is pretty cool - ShadowMarauder178 - because I love the Marauders :D Anyway, I'm very excited and I'm looking forward to getting my welcome to Hogwarts letter (welcome to pottermore email.) So, who else among you is no longer a muggle? ;)

squee, harry potter, thebigbangjob2011, summerschool, writing, challenges, pottermore, eek

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