'The Hot Potato Job' Episode Reaction

Jul 26, 2011 15:57

Okay, so now that lj seems to be working for me I'll post this.

I enjoyed the episode - it felt very much like a team episode again, even with the hints of shippiness at the start and end of the episode. As much as I enjoyed 'The Van Gogh Job' I'm glad they stepped away from it a bit and did a good old fashioned Leverage con episode that made me smile.

Firstly, I really think the show is trying to kill me! First they had Eliot's/Christian's haircut and then this week he was wearing THE HAT and then THAT ACCOUNTANTS OUTFIT. (Can I have him wearing a stetson next, please?)

I loved how Hardison-like him talking about 'the urban farmer revolution' was. I loved that whole scene, to be honest. My favourite bit of the whole episode was probably Eliot's 'I keep telling him you can't fake country' just because, you know, I love country music and I love Christian Kane and the whole Eliot country guy thing is very popular with me :D Sophie's sucker punch was fantastic, as was Eliot's proud reaction to it! I really want to see/read Eliot teaching Sophie how to punch or something now!

Speaking of Sophie and Eliot, I thought Sophie's 'Eliot' was just fantastic - she really got his speech patterns right and it did sound like him - loved the 'dammit Hardison'!

Parker's a multi-shipper! I squeed during that entire exchange, Parker going on about all the different slashes, Hardison being a bit awkward around it :) Awesome.

I liked Nate and Parker as 'teachers'  - it made me laugh how they kept going 'Hi teacher Jen' etc. I did think it was a bit unbelievable that their chaperone would just leave children like that in this day and age but I can suspend my belief a bit when it comes to Leverage :D

Mitch Pileggi did as great job as the CEO, I think. Very different to the other recent part he played in SPN and it was nice to see him in another role. (While Leverage keeps having Supernatural actors, how about Matt Cohen or even a guest appearance from Jensen? I know, I'm not asking for much!)

So yeah, I liked the episode - it was fun and a bit more light-hearted and it made me laugh. Also, I JUST realised that I'll have to wait a whole week for one of the episodes when I'm away without internet. That's so not fair!
While I think on and have the attention of my Leverage friends - I think thebigbangjob challenge (which I'm writing for) is still very much in need of artists so, you know, do your thing ;) And I'll ask again, anyone up for beta-reading mine when it's done? A fic that's either going to end up as gen or Nate/Eliot (I'm not totally sure how it's going to go yet) but will definitely focus on Nate and Eliot either way, whilst also featuring the rest of the guys.

squee, leverage season 4, beta, episode reaction, leverage, writing

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