(no subject)

Jul 21, 2011 14:28

I'm having a good day today :) I watched some more The Mentalist this morning and now I'm doing some writing/editing stuff, drinking hot chocolate.

I've just watched S2E1 of the Mentalist. The S1 finale was good - although I guessed who was involved in it pretty much from the start, there were still enough twists/emotional elements that I was interested. Anyway, I think I'm going to order the first season so I can watch it again properly - it seems to be cheap online so there's no harm done.

Once I've posted this I'm going to sit down and try and work out a plot for my Leverage BB. I'm definitely changing my idea and I have some vague elements in mind (The Spanish Prisoner Con, Nate/Eliot tension) but no clear plot outline yet. Anyone up for talking about it? Anyone doing the challenge that'd like to cheer each other on?

Anyway, I'm freaking out a little bit because I have 0 words of this written and it often takes me quite a while to write things like this. Please tell me there's hope! Also, any Leverage-y artists - there aren't many signed up so far so, if you think you might want to check it out, the comm is thebigbangjob .

It's the last night of Brownies tonight before we break up for the summer holidays so we're doing a picnic outside for them (as long as it doesn't rain.) Then, tomorrow, I'm spending the day relaxing/writing again then going out for pizza with the usual gang in the evening as a kind of 'last day/one of their birthday's' type of thing.

Read 'I am Number Four' yesterday - I enjoyed it and want to see the movie now. I seem to be getting through books really quickly again now that I have the time to read them - I like it :)

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