A Lazy Sunday...

Jun 12, 2011 16:21

Today has been really nice so far. We went to the beach this morning and Kizzie had a really long, good run. She really tired herself out today, acting like a proper dog digging holes and stuff! I do really enjoy our Sunday walks down there - lots of people I mention them to wonder how I can face getting up so early on a Sunday but I love doing it. It always leaves me feeling relaxed and it's nice to be able to spend the time playing with Kizzie.

Only one thing marred this morning. As we were leaving this man hit on of his dogs - and by hit I mean he smacked it on it's head. I hate seeing that and I really would have said something but the guy looked the type who would probably have turned around and hit me!

I've spent the rest of the day writing, really, and it's been going well. I managed to find that reference I was looking for and I'm almost up to 25k on this fic.

I'm starting revision again tomorrow but luckily it won't be as intense as the history revision was. It's a good subject for me and there's not as much to learn.

real life, beach, kizzie, writing

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