Wow. Just wow.
I really, really enjoyed the episode. I thought the whole thing was fantastic and it was really clever. The twist with Crowley and Castiel was just so unexpected and kudos to the show for using Eve to distract us from that - it worked very well, at least for me. Eve's death was quite abrupt but I loved how kickass Dean was with drinking the ashes and goading her - it was very in character and part of the reason why I love Dean so much.
The way they're taking Castiel's character is intereresting - I don't think anyone could have predicted it at the start of the season - and I'm looking forward to seeing where he goes. I'm wondering whether it'll turn into something similiar to the Sam and Ruby storyline, where Cas will eventually be 'rehabilitated', or whether he'll go completely off the rails. What do you guys think? Also, I wonder whether Balthazar is involved in whatever is going on because it kind of seems like he is.
Now that I come to think about it, it makes sense that Crowleys involved with the whole thing that seems to be all about the souls. I'm glad Crowley's back - he's such an awesome character and it'll be interesting to see what happens.
I liked the light-hearted moments of the episode - the Jefferson Starships (although I can't really call them light-hearted), the scene in the Impala with the two kids in the back and Sam and Dean grinning in the front.
I can't actually believe how close we are to the end of the season - I'm so glad we know about Season Seven because it means the end of this one won't be the last ever episode - not sure I could have coped! I'm deliberately not watching next weeks promo or reading any spoilers - want to be completely surprised :)