My Birthday

Apr 29, 2011 15:02

Hey everyone :) So, after three days of hectic running about I've finally managed to sit down and write up this post! I was hardly online at all on my birthday or yesterday so I'm going to try and make up for lost time now!

I want to say thank you to everyone who sent me birthday wishes, to pippii for the paid account time, to contrition , xbreakyourheart , si_star_x and dante_s_hell for the v-gifts and to raloria  for the icon.

I had a really great day. We went to the coast for a walk - took K with us - and we were meant to go for a pub meal but we got some chips and sat looking over the beach instead which was really lovely. In the morning, my Godmother and some other friends came over as well so I saw a few different people throughout the day. I got lots of lovely things, as well; my new laptop, a jacket, the LOTR books, some SPN and Leverage merch, some CDs, jewellery and other stuff.

The cake that my Mum made for me is absolutely wonderful - she made a biography cake thing with eighteen things that make up me :) I'll definitely post some photos of it once I get them on the computer!

And, of course, we got the news about Season Seven of Supernatural which was a lovely surprise! And, look what else I got!

thank you, birthday

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