Happy Birthday
heartsonwings ! Hope you have an awesome day :D
Hey guys :D
So, firstly, I want to say sorry for not being about much over the last few days. Things have been unbelieveably busy as I've been getting ready to go away tomorrow. I haven't commented much because I haven't had the time but I've tried to read your posts when possible.
MY COURSEWORK IS FINALLY ALL HANDED IN! It feels so good to have it all done - it's just a shame I'll have to start revising soon!
As if I wasn't busy enough, I helped out at a coffee evening with the Brownies last night. It actually went really well and we raised nearly £300 so that made me feel good for contributing to the community :D
Most of my packing is done now - I have all of the folders that I need to take in a bag, along with a list of the stuff I want to write while I'm away. I'm going to work on a big bang summary while I'm there and then send off the draft when I get back.
I guess this is the bit where I tell you all that, as of tomorrow, I'm on HIATUS for a week. I should be back online on either the 23rd or the 24th. Message me or whatever if anything important happens so that I'll see as soon as I get back :D And, you know, if there's any nice pictures or anything then drop me a line if you like :) I hope you all have an awesome week. Happy Supernatural watching to those of you that watch the show!
*hugs you all*