It's Working!

Apr 07, 2011 15:16

Hey guys :D It was a nice surprise to get in today and find that lj was still working! I'm going to make the most of the chance to write a post.

Firstly, how are all of you doing? I feel like I'm out of sync and not sure about what's going on with a lot of you because of the lj problems. So yeah, any news?

Things are pretty good with me at the moment. Yesterday was my Grandma and Grandad's Wedding Anniversary (54 years!) so we had a special evening meal which was nice. We thought that my auntie and cousins were just going to let another special occasion go by without getting in touch but, late afternoon, two of my cousins dropped by with cards (with one from my auntie as well which seems weird because she went from 'I'm never talking to Mum again' to sending a card but not bothering to include a letter or anything saying sorry or explaining. Plus, my Grandma has tried ringing her twice to say thank you and got no answer. I have a feeling she only wrote the card out because my cousin asked her to.) But yeah, it was nice for my Grandma and Grandad. It'll be interesting to see whether they do anything for my birthday (I'm still waiting for last year's present from them!)

School's going well. My history coursework edits are doing okay and that'll be handed in and out of the way pretty soon. I'm kind of upset because I have an exam on the last official day of school for us so everyone else will be dressing up/doing celebration things. The exam is in the afternoon so it's not even like I can spend half of the day doing those things. On a brighter note, I'll only have one exam to revise for during study leave so I can probably take a few days off here and there.

I'm really pleased that I finished the first draft of my big bang. I'm happy with how it's turned out so far and it means I have plenty of time to edit. I even managed to think of a title yesterday so I'm going to run it by a few people and, if they like it, I have a title! Now that the first draft is written, I can spend time finishing the prompt fics and start on some new projects, too. I'm not going to take on any more challenges or anything until after my exams because I'm going to make the most of not having deadlines - it means I can write at my own pace and do as much revision as I need to.

Speaking of my big bang, is anyone willing to beta it? I've said right from the start that I'd like two betas for this one; the lovely steeleblue has already offered so I just need one more. It's a J2 AU fic that's at around 21k and there would be no hurry for it back whatsoever.

I haven't really been watching much recently, just an odd episode of Leverage here and there. It's more difficult to watch Supernatural because I'm the only one in the house who likes it. I have a list of all of the new shows I need to watch once exams are done - I reckon I'll probably do reaction posts here telling you guys what I think of them.

I've been looking at laptops to try and work out which one I want to get for my birthday. I'm still not totally sure so I think I'm going to have to try and get into town at some point with my Mum so we can take a look and decide. I'm going to pay for half and my Mum's going to pay for the other half. I still haven't started backing up all of my stuff (I should have done it months ago!) so I'm going to make a start at the weekend. That way, I'll have everything ready to put onto my new laptop.

Anyway, I'm going to go and get on with some work now, I think. Might start and write up some notes or download some resources. I hope you're all having a good day :)

friends, shows, real life, bigbang2011, writing, help

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