I totally blame
xbreakyourheart for this ;)
1. This survey gets a little personal; can you handle it?
Yep :) I'll f-lock it if it gets too personal, though.
2. If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be?
Thompson. (That was K, by the way)
3. Were you happy when you woke up today?
Yeah, I guess. It's the weekend so that's good. Then I realised that I had homework to do!
4. When were you on the phone last? And with who?
Yesterday morning. My Mum :)
5. What are you excited for?
My 18th birthday!
7. Honestly, who was the last person to tell you they love you?
My Mum :D
8. What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
Orange and lemonade
9. Have a best friend?
Yeah, I do.
10. Are you scared to fall in love?
Hmm, sort of. I'm scared of unrequited love.
11. Do you think teenagers can be in love?
Yeah, I think so.
12. Last person you wanted to punch in the face?
There's two at the same time :D These two girls that I used to be good friends with. They were talking cryptically on facebook and I'm pretty sure they were bitching about me getting my good result in Lit and saying it wasn't fair.
13. What time is it right this second?
10:21 (aka the time when I should be doing homework)
14. What do you want right now?
My homework to be done. And some ice-cream
15. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Kizzie! (She's technically not a person but never mind.)
16. Are you single/taken/heartbroken/or confused?
Single (I've only ever once NOT been single and that was just awful.)
17. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday, reading Jim Beaver's book. (Yeah, I'm still reading that...I have, like, no time to read - it's upsetting)
18. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
I have an fantastic relationship with my Mum, a non-existent one with my Dad.
19. Do you find it hard to trust others?
Hmm, it depends on the others I guess.
20. How fast does your mind change?
That definitely depends on what I'm changing my mind about. I'm usually quite set in my ways about things (I mean, I've liked the same guy for about three years now, for one)
21. I bet you miss somebody right now.
I really do. A lot.
22. Can you honestly say you're okay right now?
Yeah, I think I can.
23. Why do you think so many people cheat?
That's a strange question. I honestly have no idea.
24. Tell me what's on your mind?
Homework. Being worried about uni stuff. The fact that I've been instructed to let my little sister answer the door this morning because my Mum's expecting a parcel that I can't see until my birthday. I'm wondering what it is.
25. What are you looking forward to in the next three months?
Going on holiday, my birthday, Supernatural.
26. Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
Yes. *grins* I love wearing guys' hoodies. Don't do it too often, though
27. When did you last talk to your number 1 top friend?
Face to face - Thursday. By text, yesterday.
28. When is your next road trip?
Easter...although it's not a proper road trip.
29. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell anything to?
Yeah, I tell K everything (apart from one thing but if it was about someone else other than him then I'd tell him.) I mean, he knows about the slash, the wincest, the feelings about my Dad, everything.
30. How's your heart?
Healthy. I hope.
31. Have you ever felt like you weren't important?
Well yeah. I mean, when you think about how many people are out there, I'm not that important in the grand scheme of things!
32. Do you think somebody's in love with you?
Nope. Very occasionally I think someone might be but then I realise that he isn't.
33. What are you planning on doing after this?
Finishing my homework and then writing.
34. Next time you will kiss someone?
I have absolutely no idea.
35. Have you told anybody you loved them today?
Nope...to be fair, I've only been awake for a few hours.
36. Who do you not get along with?
My Dad. His side of the family.
37. What does your 3rd recent text say?
"Ohh Megan :). I'm about 1.5 paragraphs and -2000 words away from handing in my coursework! I bet you're proud :) You handed yous in yeah?x" Haha, such an interesting text. It's from this awesome girl in my Lit class.
38. What are you wearing right now?
Jeans, a t-shirt and trainers.
39. You're locked in a room with the person you last kissed, how is it?
Erm...it's my Mum so yeah.
40. When's the last time you had a grilled cheese?
I have no idea.
41. What's your favorite boy and girl name right now?
Boy: Kostas
Girl: Dinah
42. How did you feel when you woke up?
Abruptly woken up. Kizzie jumped on top of me!
43. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
I'd love a phone call with my best friend. We hardly ever speak on the phone, though, we usually just text.
44. Do you crack your knuckles?
Nope. It makes me cringe.
45. What were you doing yesterday at midnight?
46. What are your LEGAL initials?
47. Who's the first B in your contacts?
My cousin...not that I ever text him but yeah.
48. When was the last time you laughed really hard?
Yesterday at the beach. Kizzie was being funny :)
49. Your number 1 top friend walks out of your life, do you go after them?
Yes. Although he'd never do that.
50. Explain your last awkward moment?
I was at that thing at the uni and I ended up sitting next to a stranger and all of her friends. That was quite awkward.
51. Are you afraid of the dark?
52. Do you have good vision?
I do, actually :)
53. Have you ever tripped someone?
Never on purpose. Although the last person I tripped up by mistake was a teacher...that was embarassing.
54. Have you ever slapped someone?
55. Are you Irish?
56. Do you use chap stick?
58. Is there someone you will never forgive?
My auntie. I think the reason why is obvious.
59. Are you dating the person you last held hands with?
60. Name the last person to text you?
61. Would you marry someone 8 years older than you?
Not right now. But yeah, if I loved them I would.
62. Can you go in public looking like you do?
Yeah, I can do.
63. Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with an A?
64. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
The right.
65. What's the first thing you'll do on your wedding day?
Wake up, I presume :D
66. Do you fall for people easily?
No...but when I fall, I fall hard. (That whole three years thing again)
67. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days?
A few people :D
68. Do you miss the way things used to be?
Definitely. Last year, all of my friends were around me. This year, there are only a few of us left. Next year, everything's going to change again.
69. Song you're thinking of right now?
Fast Car - Christian Kane
70. Want someone back in your life?
My friend who I haven't seen since last year.
71. Will tomorrow be better than today?
Hopefully I'll have no more homework to do so yeah :D
72. What's the color of the shirt you are wearing?
Grey with red and white and blue on it.
73. Who was the first friend that you had?
R. And we're still really close now which is awesome.
74. Does it bother you when someone lies to you?
Yes. I just can't get over something like that.
75. Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?
You guys. My Mum. My sister. Not me.
76. Are you a naturally happy person? Or is your happiness forced?
I think 'm quite a happy person, yeah.
77. Is there anyone you wish would fall in love with you?
78. What do you wear when you sleep?
Pyjamas. And socks in the winter when it's too cold.
79. Are you obsessed with something right now?
Supernatural. Leverage.
80. The first person you loved is?
My Mum.
81. Has something terrible happened with you?
As in? That's quite an ambiguous question.
82. You are locked up with someone you love, what happens?
We'd probably end up playing cards and talking about random things.
83. If you could wish for something, what would it be?
To get an A in History. For my Grandad to be able to walk again.
84. Ever forced someone to do something?
Hmmmm. Not really.
85. When you are alone, what do you think about?
Erm...lots of things. Sometimes, I think about reaching for the salt because being along in the house creeps me out.
86. How was your first kiss?
Hasn't happened yet. ( And yeah, I know how sad that is)
87. What's your favorite music genre?
Country, I grew up with it and I just listen to it all of the time.
88. Are you going to tag people to do this?
No, but if you're wanting to waste some time, this is a good way to do it :D