Calver Ridge Chapter Nine

Mar 14, 2011 19:21

Chapter Nine

Back resting against the headboard, Dean looked across at Sam who was sitting on the opposite bed, cleaning a gun. It should have been strange, being in a room with someone cleaning a gun, but, even after just a week on the road, it felt natural.

“You want to try this again?”

He nodded, “Yeah. I think I got it.” He caught the gun and smiled gratefully when Sam passed the last of the stuff over, “You think your Dad will be long?”

Sam shrugged, “Half an hour - depends how long it takes him to find somewhere to get food.”

“Right.” Dean had a frown on his face as he concentrated on cleaning the gun; he didn’t want to make a mistake, needed to show Sam that he was capable.

“How are you doing?”

“Me?” He looked up, “I’m fine. Why?”

“This life - being out on the road, it’s gotta be hard to adjust to.”

“It’s not so bad. I was on the road for a while without you, remember.”

“It’s not like I could forget.”

Sighing, he dropped the gun down onto the bed and raised his eyebrows at Sam, “You going to get all melodramatic again, Sammy?”

“No. I just - I missed you.”

He picked the gun up and handed it back to Sam, “Check that I’ve done it right.”

“You have, I was watching you.”

“Check it.”

“Fine,” Sam held Dean’s gaze as he made sure the job had been done properly, “Yeah, I told you it was done right.”

“I wanted to make sure. I need to be good at this, Sam. You’ve grown up learning this stuff. I’m playing catch-up here.”

“I can help.”


“We can do some extra sessions, when Dad’s out. Shooting practice, sparring, I can help you with learning about the creatures, too.”

“You’d do that?”

“Sure,” Sam frowned, “You would have done it for me growing up, if you hadn’t have been taken.”

“Yeah,” he stood up and moved onto the bed next to Sam, “Yeah, I would have.”


“Dean,” Sam shook his head, looking at the blood oozing from the cut on Dean’s forehead, “It’s-”

“I’m fine, Sam. It’s just a cut. Let’s go again.”

“You’re too stubborn.”

“I know. Let’s go.”

Nodding, he brought his fist up and took a swing, smiled when Dean blocked it easily and struck out again, this time catching Dean in the side. Laughing now, Dean ran his hands up Sam’s sides, tickling him, and Sam shouted, wrestled Dean to the floor.

“That’s cheating.” He pinned Dean’s wrists above his head.

“I know, sorry.”

“You’re a great big cheater.”

“You love it.”

Sam huffed out a laugh, “Yeah. I do, actually.” He moved closer, so that his lips were inches away from Dean’s.

Dean closed his eyes, feeling Sam’s breath against his face, “Don’t do this, Sam. Please.”

“I want to.”

He shook his head, “I don’t want you to.”

“Yes. Yes, you do. You’re just scared to admit it.”

“I’m not scared.”

Sam pressed his head against the floor, his cheek touching Dean’s. “I think you are. I am too, you know. I mean, this whole thing, it’s crazy. But you and me, it feels right.”

“No,” he pushed up against Sam until he rolled off and then stood up, “We’re not doing this, Sam.”

“Then how come-” He broke off as the door opened.

“You boys okay?” John placed the bags he was carrying on the table.

“Yeah.” Dean stepped forward to help him unpack the supplies, “We’re okay.”

“Good. Because I’ve got a lead on the Colt.”

“The Colt?”

“The gun - the one we’re after.”

“Great.” Sam looked pointedly at Dean, “Because I really feel like shooting something.”

John closed the research that he’d been working on and turned to watch as Dean paced up and down the length of the room. He’d been wearing out the carpet ever since Sam had gone for his shower; something was definitely bothering him.

“What happened before, Dean?”

“What?” He stopped walking, shook his head, “Nothing happened.”

“You and Sam have been walking eggshells around each other since I got back. What happened?”

He shrugged, “He - we had a moment. But it’s okay. We’ve sorted it - nothing’s going to happen.”

“I wouldn’t mind if it did, you know.”

“Excuse me?”

“Look, Dean, if you and Sam had grown up together, there’s no way I’d be happy about it. But the way things are, you and Sam, if you want to be in a relationship don’t let me stop you. I just - you’re my son. I just want you to be happy.”

“You’d really be okay with it?”

“I’d really be okay with it.”

“Oh.” He began to pace again and then, “John?”


“I think I’d be okay with it, too.”

John smiled, “I don’t think it’s me you should be telling. I’ll go out for a while, give you boys some space.”

Finishing up rinsing his hair, Sam turned to grab the shower gel, span around as the door to the bathroom burst open.

“Dean? Dude what are you-” he trailed off as Dean, still fully clothed, climbed into the shower with him and shoved him up against the wall.

“I don’t care if it’s wrong.”


“I don’t care if people think it’s weird.”

“If what-”

“I just want to kiss you.”

Sam didn’t have time to answer, just sucked in a breath as Dean grabbed his shoulders and kissed him. There was none of tenderness that had been there before, just teeth scraping against lips, nails digging into bare skin, and Sam moaned as he slid his tongue into Dean’s mouth.

He pulled away, laughing, and grabbed hold of Dean’s hips, “You’re soaked.”

“So are you.”

“I’m not wearing any clothes.”

Dean smirked, ran his hands across Sam’s chest, “I’d noticed.”

“Are you sure about this, Dean? Because once we start this, there’s no going back.”

“There better not be. Come on.”



“Now?” He brushed his thumb across Dean’s hip. “What about Dad?”

“He’s gone out. Bed.”

“Okay. Yeah, okay.” He let Dean pull him out of the shower, reached for the bottom of Dean’s t-shirt and tugged it over his head as they walked then pressed his lips back onto Dean’s, laughed when Dean fell back onto the bed and then gasped as Dean yanked his jeans off.

“You ready for this, Sam?”

“Yeah.” He climbed onto the bed, shivered when Dean licked a stripe up his stomach, “I’m ready for you.” Leaning down, he scraped his teeth over one of Dean’s nipples, laughed against his skin as he felt him shudder, “I’m so, so ready.”

Dean didn’t bother to answer, just met Sam’s lips with his own and reached down to stroke Sam’s cock with long, lazy strokes.

Sam gasped and covered Dean’s hand with his own, and then they were moving together, against one another and there was no more time for talking.

John Winchester sat in his Impala, ready to drive, and looked up as his boys walked out of the motel, duffel bags slung over their shoulders. He shook his head when Dean poked Sam in the side and began to run off, laughed when Sam grabbed a hold of Dean and pulled him close, arm going up around his brother’s shoulders as they walked towards the car.

He could hear them talking, teasing one another as they threw their stuff into the trunk and got into the car and he glanced in the rear view mirror at his sons, pressed up against one another and smiled; they might be the most unconventional unit around. The threat of the yellow-eyed demon was still there. They were still getting to know one another and they definitely had a hell of a lot left to work out. But they were together. A family.

Author's Notes

fic, spnslashbigbang, sam/dean, fic: calver ridge

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