Title: One Day in Hell
Pairing: Adam/Kris
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Angst, Language
Summary: What really goes on in jail when Adam discovers Kris as new bait?
A/N: I've been really hooked on writing short ficlets and writing the full stories. Got nothing better to do and so completely addicted to writing these, lmao. I usually write out of boredom . . . so, I'm bored obviously.
theromancestory (Me obviously)
Adam was leaning against the white, iron, barred door that caged him inside a small room with one small twin bed and a useless toilet that was set right in eye sight. The raven-haired man didn't care, at least his back would be turned to everyone else.
He finally snapped out of his thoughts as a small, brown haired man wearing a flannel shirt with skinny jeans and Converse walked in with a guard and what appeared to be his brother? Or his dad? Didn't really matter. Only Adam cared for was the guy was cute and definitely his type. The small man stepped into the cell right across the hallway from Adam's, the guard's voice spoke loudly over the hushing sounds of other captives. They loved fresh meat and loved to see the newbies' reactions when it came to being locked up. Adam inched his chin up a little to get better hearing even though the guard was hollering the rules.
"When you're in here, there's no jumping out of a car, there's no running away for three days, there's no running to your buddies house, there's no running anywhere. You can always escape for so long. Everybody runs but eventually, they get you . . . just like you tried today to get away. You like fighting disabled people? Hmm? I'm able, do you want to fight me?" the prison guard bellowed. He stood his ground and stared at the puppy-brown eyed man suspiciously hard.
"No . . ." The brown haired man slid a glance at Adam for less than a second, but it was enough to make Adam's heart pump wildly. He was amazed just by the sound of the innocent voice that played in his head.
"Why not? Cause I'm big? Cause I'm a cop? This is all cliche, but welcome to Hell, I am the devil," the guard responded and threw the prison uniform to the man who grabbed it right away. "Change your clothes." Adam held his breath when he saw the stranger take off his shirt, showing perfectly toned abs and a perfect stomach only to be covered by the teal-blue jumpsuit.
When he finally had the jumpsuit fully on, the guard started asking questions again. "How much would you like to come here? That this could become your permanent home? Do not move. I'm going to close these bars. If you attempt to come out of these bars when they're closing and act idiotic, I will fuck you up. I'm telling you that I'm no kid, I'm not your mommy and daddy, I'm not an old person, I don't do drugs and I don't like drug deals. Hard time, hard crime. We're going to make this light hard for you. Do not move." Adam watched as the officer locked the bars in place, but kept his eyes on the stranger who stood still and bit his lip, looking right back at him, then glancing away after another second to look at the man that was coming towards his cell. He noticed tears on the brother's face (as he supposed it was his brother). His voice cracked and shook as sobs came out when he started to speak.
"This is your last chance, pretty boy. I never wanted to see you behind bars, Kris. Everything I do, I do for you. You're tearing us apart. We can't be a family because . . ." the man sobbed. " . . . Because you feel like you need to put on a tough guy act all the time. I know . . . you know what, you're a tough guy, I know you are, but you don't have to be, and I know you're a good kid. Everybody . . . everybody sees that you could be a good kid. You've got a lot of love to give. I never wanted to see you this way, it's killing me seeing you in here like this. I'm telling you, I wouldn't be able to visit you if you were in something really like this. I couldn't do it." Adam watched as Kris's lip trembled and his face turn red as he kept tears inside himself. Adam felt bad for the kid since he knows Kris didn't mean to go take a bad side of life, but what's done is done. He watched as the man and the guard left, then came screaming from other cells to the newbie.
"Look at you, man! You're a punk, man!" yelled one captive. "What's wrong with you? You know that I'm pissed off! You have your bro crying over your dumb ass. When you keep doing stuff that you're doing, you're gonna end up in here! If you end up in here, he's gonna be all you got, but he won't be here. I'm 36 years old, man, and I got started doing this stuff when I was 13. I've been here for 18 years! 18 fucking years! Before you were born! Doing that dumb shit, this is where it got me! My whole fucking life gone!"
"Man! I wish I had a fucking dad that would fucking cry for me like that guy did out there for you! I ain't got nobody looking out for me. You got a pool in your backyard? I wanna be your friend! You gotta pool? A pool? I ain't got no pool! When you turned 18, your man bought you a car, I got nothing! You don't need to do that shit, dude! Selling weed. Fuck you, boy!" Another one said. Adam swore he saw Kris flinch a couple times at the words that finally registered through his brain. Adam decided to speak up, his voice soothing and not as loud as the others.
"Yeah, my friend . . . killed somebody. Since I was there, it's like I did it, too. I didn't do anything like that, but ever since then, I was charged with murder, paying and picking up the fucking shit he did! Yeah, sure, sold some drugs, but we're telling you this now, you gotta clean your shit up! You're what? 19? You have a whole life ahead of you! Don't go wasting on shit like this unless you want to be some dumbass for the rest of your life. Most of these people in here, they're not going to be caring about you or what you do. People on the second floor and up are the worst criminals you could find. Real murderers, rape, assault, I wouldn't want to be in here. Take this as a fucking lesson to you! This whole place makes you feel like your life is over, you feel scared, right?"
"Yeah . . ." Kris responded quietly.
"That's the whole point, but it gets worse when it goes on. You could become someone's bitch since you don't feel as strong as you did before. You see people bigger than you and they'll look at you like they want to grab you or something. They don't have a girl by them or nothing. All they have is their hand! They love someone to help out with their needs. You'll be scared to even take a shower, you feel like you want to cover since people always passing, you don't know what the hell they could do to you. Take it from me, experienced when I was a newbie, too. Happened to me when I first came here, no doubt it will happen to you. Don't want to get raped, it's the worst thing that could happen. Get your fucking act together, living here is no life. It's Hell. We're trying to help you, not scare you, but it's going to happen anyways. Take our advice since we've been where you are. Clean it up or regret it, I swear to fucking gosh, it's going to bite you in the ass if you don't!"
Kris bit his lip and looked down, soaking all of the information he just heard. He was becoming more and more scared by the second. He hoped the man who just spoken to him will help him out and be by his side. He felt safe just by talking to him even though they're across the hallway, talking through bars. He didn't respond and chattering began again amongst the captives, talking about random things, the whole few minutes completely forgotten. He finally looked up and noticed people laughing and talking with each other through bars and the cells got loud with chatter. The only thing that caught his eye continuously was the man's blue eyes staring at him the whole night. Sure, he would move around, but every second the man had gotten was to look at Kris. He knew this was going to be hard, but it will only become easier if he had someone to talk to and he just knew who it would be. The guy standing across the hallway from him, eyeing his every move like a hawk.
The next day, the morning guards came in, banging the cells with their sticks at the break of dawn. Criminals don't sleep in. Kris groaned along with the other prisoners and stood up. Quickly putting on his work jumpsuit, feeling eyes on him as he did so. He thought he should get used to it as he knew it was going to happen everyday until his juvenile punishment is lifted even though he is two years older than juvenile age. He turned around to notice the raven-haired man still staring at him, but not as harshly. He took a deep breath and followed the officers to the work yard for a long day of paying their dues.
On their way to the work yard, Kris felt a hand touch his arm, making him look at piercing blue eyes staring back at his brown ones. "Name's Adam . . . Yours?"
"Um . . . Kris."
"Listen, I meant what I said. This is no easy life in here. You think I haven't heard about you? You're a hot topic in this hell hole. At leats you're not that hardcore of a criminal. You would be on the higher floors than us and that's where all the bad shit happens to newbies."
"I-I know. I heard you tell me that."
"Don't use smart mouth with me, but don't be too nice either. People will get suspicious and start using you as a bitch to their own needs and problems or someone to beat up, either one is horrible. If I were you, I would fucking fight to the very end, before one of these fucking pigs cage me like an animal. And I'd advise all criminals to do the same. It's just not fucking worth living in a cell next to a bunch of disgusting lunatics, but I guess to you, I'm one of them."
"If you're one of 'them', why are you too nice? Why not beat me up right here?"
"What good will that do? I would only get sedated and locked up in a dark room for two days that have no windows or bars on anything. Just plain walls and locked solid doors. You go mental in one of those rooms if you stayed in there too long. Besides, you're too innocent to harm for my taste. I don't beat up anybody, I don't rape anybody unless they go off on warning."
"Walk and work with me to my station. It will be easier knowing you're already with someone to help you with stupid shit that we have to do."
Once they arrived at the work yard, Kris did as Adam asked and pounded on rocks with hammers and other tools to create random objects that had no meaning. Adam told Kris all about his old singing career, his passion of music, and what he did before he got locked up for something he didn't do, but was commited guilty as he was a witness. Kris told him how he was in as a punishment to clear his life as he needed to do ever since he was 15. They bonded quickly until the lunch bell rang. They were so lost in their conversation, they didn't even think of how much time they had spent talking to each other.
Adam sat next to Kris in the lunch room, filling him in on all of the regular schedules, making everything sound less scary even though they were a hell of a lot worse. Adam did his best to make Kris feel comfortable with him. He didn't want to scare him away and become more fragile, but yet, he still needed strength and fire to control what happens to him.
A random prisoner walked up to Kris, started rambling about stupid things, insulting him as an example. "Oh, how are the little two fucking barbie's doing? Rave, did you already fuck him? He seems connected to you as if he was your dick."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you, Jeremy? Go die in your mother's ass and see how well you like pain. You can finally stick yourself up somewhere."
"Whatever, asshole. My next comeback will be down your mothers throat in a second if you dont shut the fuck up!"
"Wow . . . very impressive. Save your breath. You'll need it to blow your fucking whore of a captive. Besides, it sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying. Go fuck yourself since you can't get anyone to do it for you."
"You asshole!" Jeremy yelled, lunging at Adam, both landing on the ground. Adam's strength was more powerful, so he pushed Jeremy off and pounded his fist into Jeremy's face more than a few times. Kris looked shocked until he felt someone lunge onto his back, making him fall on the floor.
In an instant, he was rolled over onto his back with a man pinning his arms to the floor, being straddled harshly. Every inmate lured around the fight, chanting to the man who straddled Kris, yelling, "Oh, man! Kris is going to get it! Do him good, Rave!" Kris went wide eyed and found sight of Adam who was still wrestling the man and missing swings from Jeremy. Kris tried to get up and use all of his force to push Rave off, but the man was too heavy to do anything. Kris tried anyways and struggled himself underneath the man's knees, but not doing any good. He felt his first couple of buttons on his jumpsuit unbutton, which he yelled in fright. He closed his eyes, knowing this would be it. He was going to get raped.
Waiting for what was to come, he felt the man lift off of Kris's body which made Kris open his eyes, noticing Adam pull Rave off of him and punching him in the gut. Kris quickly buttoned his jumpsuit and stood up, finally seeing guards rushing towards them. Jeremy came from behind Kris, punching him in the gut, then once again in his face. Guards flew into the scene and took Rave and Jeremy off both of them, sending them to the enclosed rooms which had restraints while they took Adam and Kris to enclosed rooms that were nothing but a bed and bar walls. Adam and Kris's rooms were right next to each other as the guards left.
"Stupid dumb asses!" Kris heard Adam yell. He snapped his head to Adam, looking apologetic with his cuts and a forming bruise around his eye. "The only way you can be safe in this hell hole is when you're in a gang. Stupid tricks!" Kris looked down and stayed silent as Adam got up to the side of the bars that peered over into Kris's cell. His hand gripped the bars as his eyes went soft, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah... you?" Kris hesitantly looked up, giving Adam a glance of his wounds. Adam gasped quietly at the sight, but kept his stand.
"Yeah..." Nothing else was said for what seemed like forever until Adam reached his hand through the bars and offered it to Kris. "Come here," he said. Kris sat up from the small bed and walked over. Adam's hand curved over cuts and bruises that were not too big, but big enough to be noticeable. Kris hissed and sucked in his breath when Adam accidentally put too much pressure on one cut. "Poor thing, on your first day, too." Kris looked at him with big, innocent, brown eyes that made Adam want to cry in a corner and hold him forever.
"I'm weak, that's why I'm a target. Too weak," Kris said, walking away to the corner of the sell, but still talking through the bars. Adam sighed, still looking at Kris. "I know it's going to be hard here, but I really can't do this by myself," Kris said, looking up at Adam once again, his features growing sad and lonely. "I need someone to help me and based on what happened earlier, no one will be..."
"Wrong, you have me. I know this is weird to hear, but I feel like I need to protect you... like, I need to be here for you. I don't have the option to say no because I can't say no to you. I do lose my temper, but I could never leave your side, especially since you're in this position as a new inmate."
"It's not weird... I mean, maybe a little, but not as much as you think. You have no idea how good it feels to know someone has your back, especially when you're in a jail cell for most of your life." Adam moved to his corner to talk to Kris face to face as he leaned against the wall.
"Well, you've got me," Adam replied, poking his head through the bars the best he could to get closer to Kris's.
He whispered, "Just do your best." He hesitantly put his hand on Kris's cheek after deciding to pull it back. He caressed his cheek with his thumb and his features became softer. He slowly tried to lean in as close as he could and lightly brushed his lips over the brown eyed man's. Their lips moved passionately together, feeling and filling the right places in their heart and deepest parts of their souls. Adam backed away for a second, whispering again as he so, "We're in this together. If someone tries to hurt you, they have to get through me." Kris lightly smiled and returned the kiss, knowing faith could really be one magical thing to deal with.
I listened to Adam's new single and HAD to get this idea written for you guys!