I just found
this editorial about Question 1, the repeal of gay marriages in Maine which is being voted on today. The article was published in the Bangor Daily News in mid-October.
"It is only natural that changing the definition of something as fundamental as marriage makes some uncomfortable. However, marriage has changed over time - interracial marriages were once banned, and men were allowed to have many wives - without harming heterosexual marriages. In a country where the divorce rate is too high and too many children grow up in dysfunctional and abusive families, encouraging more adults to commit to long-term, loving relationships is a positive, not a negative."
It is one of the most rational, calm, intelligent and straightforward arguments for gay marriage (nationwide!) that I have seen in a long time. It acknowledges and then pokes holes in the claims from the conservatives who cry that legalizing gay marriage will corrupt our children, destroy families and cause lawsuits.
Seeing this made me incredibly happy. I hope the intelligent and aware residents of the Pine Tree State will recognize that a threat to anyone's freedom or rights is a threat to their own, and will vote accordingly.