My Fast Has a Problem...With Daylight Savings

Apr 02, 2006 12:09

Those of you that are reading this are probably aware of this point already, but I'm going to reiterate it for the sake of completeness: My brain does not work in the morning. I am in full auto-pilot until around lunch time. Everything I do, from taking a shower to driving to work, is all a rote repetition of a carefully scripted chain of events designed to keep me from having to make difficult decisions with my inactivated brain. I'm sure it's nothing sexy like Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder, I just plain don't like mornings. The weekends are much easier, I simply don't do anything till 2 hours after I've woken up. And why not? It's not like I have anywhere pressing to be. It generally creates a buffer between when my brain kicks on and me having to do something difficult, like navigate stairs. Today, however, I had to process something that caught me completely unawares...again...and I was none too thrilled.

Now, we all know what happened the last time the clocks changed. Since when did Daylight Savings become this big secret? I'm pretty sure I watch the news a whole lot more than when I was a kid, but I can also remember as a kid having it mentioned in the five minutes that I was paying attention that it was time to reset the clocks. This is the second time, counting this morning, that I had no clue. I woke up at 8:30 and turned on the TV. Cool, Codename: Kids Next Door is on. Ok ok, yea, it's a kid's show, but my brain isn't on, remember? I saw the time was slowly creeping toward 8:38, which means it's time for The Weather Channel to be marginally useful and tell me what's going on outside from the comfort of my bed. Great! Another 60º and sunny day, so proclaimed at 9:38. OMGWTFBBQSAUCE! What the hell is going on? And I did the same damn thing I did last time, Fox News, CNN, cell phone, and so on. Luckily I remembered that whole turning off the cell and turning it back on to have the clock update, so I was up to speed much more quickly than last time, but seriously folks, if one of you knows it's coming, please share that with me ahead of time.

Now for some random stuff. Has anybody ever watched an exercise DVD in fast forward? It is absolutely hysterical. I do this with every one I buy to see if it's really lame or they're going to have me twist myself into a pretzel or some such nonsense. I just picked up the Gilad abs workout since it's my weakest area and I'd like to catch it up and this guy is a stitch in fast forward. It looked like he has epilepsy. He's great in normal speed too. Something about that accent and listening to a guy that is WAY too upbeat for his own good makes me smile.

The internet has completely embraced April Fool's Day and I love it. From promoting its frog porn site to Slashdot going all pink and talking about the brand new My Little Pony roleplaying sourcebook, it was absolutely everywhere, and after such a long time on hiatus. Even Adult Swim ran with it by dubbing fart noises into their normal Saturday night anime faire. At first I thought it was the show I was watching that was doing it and it make no sense, but when the next show was doing it too, I caught on and couldn't stop laughing. I know it was juvenile, but in my defense, it was really well done.

Mike Monaco, you are my hero. I didn't think he was going to do it. He IMs me last week because, of course, he lost my address up here. Ok, mine I can let slide, but how in the world did he lose Katie's? She's been in the same place for, I dunno, almost forever. So the invite to his wedding shows up in my mailbox yesterday and there it is, addressed just as promised: Professor Cameron Matthews. I thought it was fantastic and I'm going to keep it forever. It almost makes me want to get a PhD so I can be an actual professor. But Friday? Why does it have to be on a Friday? Sundays are for hangover recovery, not Saturdays! No matter, I'm still going. You better believe it!
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