(no subject)

May 30, 2007 10:30

Saw an awesome brawl at the weekend and called the cops. Happening in the street up from where my car was parked in derby I went round the little loop road to see 2 people (one holding a guy) while the other smacked him up then they both set about him kicking and shit... nothing amazing til this other car pulls up and a girl staggers out and starts raking the lone guys face with her stilletto while other onlookers run in and lay a few kicks in there before runnin off again... i was trapped in by the car this girl had come out of and I wasn't gonna leave my car cuz I didn't wanna get mashed either so I called the police and they turned up but it had pretty much dispersed by then... The lad looked like he had been worked over pretty good though....

Thats its. I wanted to remember that so its now in my journal and I am going to drop out from the outside world and go with H to a health spa. Don't quite know how i feel about this as i have never been to one, will be nice to spend time with H though and I will be unreachable till tomorrow night so thats good because I can't be arsed with anything at the minute other than Rainbow Six Vegas and food.
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