I am fucking tired, but not as bad as Hayley though she is the mostest tired and currently havin her roots dyed in her hair and she has been on a night shift for the past 3 days.......
Me now! I need to wash my car soooo bad but I cannot be bothered because with this shitty weather it will look dirty again by the time I go out tonight which incidently means we are out in derby tonight WAHOOOOOOOOOOO! Will be cool, if anyone wants to join us there then thats cool, if not you're lame and I am bestest.
Oh my bro got a new gun yesterday! V. nice, Mk 46 spw
www.google.com google it and check it out if you like firearms. Very nice, now my squad of ultimate badasses has a support gunner!!!! Awesome, now we need a scout/recon sniper and a grenadier. Still haven't found a Ramadi backdrop yet for a photo shoot............ I love modelling I am SO getting into it. No Irony there.....¬_¬