New Year... Joy...

Dec 30, 2006 16:51

Christmas was nice, although i barely got to see Hayley as she got dicked on her work rota so had to work most of christmas... Still nice to see the family and eat some good food. I just can't escape the feeling that Christmas should be so much more.... All this build up from Sept to December and time spent avoiding it then Christmas day and boxing ( Read more... )


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e_v_i_l December 30 2006, 20:52:31 UTC
I think the chinese death buses rock personally - You'd certainly make sure you were catching the number 14 to the Town Centre a bit more carefully .... Id be a lot happier if the UK had the death penalty again and had a more sociopathic government/dictatorship - it'd stop all these fucking ASBO-awarded Chavs from existing. A nation of people devoid of Chavdom - fucking awesome.

I was always for the Iraq war, the arguement that if you remove one dictator another takes their place is moot. In decades/centuries gone by certainly, but the world is a global community now and nations aren't as worried about pussy footing around each other, citing "defending human rights" as their justification for wading into another country, kicking arse, fucking it all up and then buggering off. Hell, sounds better than having some despot in control allow his military to rape children, murder civilians for fun and raising a family of sadist fucks hell-bent on destroying anything they don't deem worthy of fitting into their rather narrow world view.

To each their own - but I'm all for war and conflict - it's the one way the human race has of evolving socially, mentally and theologically.

S'all good !


thermo_nuclear January 2 2007, 11:17:17 UTC
lol as opposed to the teddy boys tryin to be gangster even when hanging was a measure in this country... not to mention public execution bringing more crime to the fore such as fighting and pick pocketing. Nothing would change if it was reintroduced other than innocent people would be scared of being convicted and criminals will put more effort into not being caught.... Chavs are just part of society that loutish culture is here and has always been here and until you cleanse them they are here to stay, a few executions a month aren't going to rid the nation of a culture. I can't see the justification of using murder to punish murder...

However the war in iraq, justified even if for the wrong reasons.... I cannot see that it is totally for oil... the expenditure and toll on human life and unpopularity at home is too costly as there has been little return so far, with investors like Halliburton and KBR being massive american companies suffering attacks and all sorts for very little return other than government money in the Iraq reconstruction package... If it wasn't for this there would be no point being there and, as oil isn't flowing, its the government and tax payer in the US who is losing out... So the war in iraq just cannot be simply explained by oil. As for Bush settling an old score, in my opinion he may be president but i do not think he is totalitarian with power in the white house... there are lots of advisers and generals etc etc that do a lot of thinking for him.... he just gives the final word. Another thing is the whole conspiracy that 9/11 was set up by the US government so it can launch an attack in the middle east to obtain oil.... oil again.... why do peopl shit over the memory of the people who suffered on those planes and in those towers by drawing up some conspiracy theory that makes out like those fundamentalist wankers are not at fault here and that its the government..... as if there aren't loads of countries that hate the US for its foreign policy during the 80's and 90's who wanna see US blood. its like the invasion of Afghanistan and the ousting of the Taliban... wheres the economic return.........? there is none however terrorist trainign camps which DO exist as the Brits know from the 7/7 bombings are no longer in operation and pakistan has upped its efforts to monitor whats going on in its northern borders with A'stan particularly over the Hindu Kush mountain region.... its needs to do more though if Helmand is gonna return to stability soon. Anyway back to Iraq, where is the return!?!?! In 10, 20, 30 years when it stabilises!?!?!?! There is no conspiracy, its just the US thought that this would be a strategic move and has become more claggy than expected.... Osama Bin Laden does exist, 9/11 did happen (no controlled explosions, no fly by wire jet planes full of people WHY THE FUCK WOULD THE GOVERNMENT FLY A PLANE INTO THE PENTAGON just to prove a fucking point.....) and as much as conspiracy theorists hate to admit it there is a threat from the middle east with fundamentalists wanting to blow chunks out of us our army and our allies just as there has been for about 16 years now.... I think that instances like somalia 93 BHD all that have given a glimpse at how nasty things can be and all the material coming from iraq jhas blown the door open on just how violent and dirty the middle east is not just towards the west but internally itself. this goes for africa too (Ethiopia sponsered by the US to sort out Islamic Courts in Somalia?!?!! HAHA!).

I do however think that a change of policy may give the US an advantage in Iraq and be able to look towards sorting out the problems of NK, Iran and countering Chinas push to be THE world super power as I think I would rather stick with the US for that.

Anyway, thats my 2 cents on the world and my distaste towards conspiracy theorists over 9/11, reflects much of what Penn and Teller said about it in Bullshit - they know the score and tell it like it is!


e_v_i_l January 2 2007, 15:44:34 UTC
Ah, Penn and Teller - Like Michael Moorecock, but without the obesity, smugness, reliance on facts and figures so out of date as to be irrelvant and cock-sucking hero worship by people who like to think he's somehow "sticking it to the man" when all he's doing is raping unpatriotic Americans and America-hatings peoples back pockets for cash.

Least with P&T you get some damn groovy magick too. : )

The whole Conspiracy thing ... meh. Any Government worth their shit who has the resource wouldn't let these things just "leak" into the puvlib domain. Civvies wouldn't just "piece together" facts and come up with this toss. I'm with you on this - most conspiracies are bollocks.

As for China .... personally I'd like to see how they'd fare as the numero-uno SP. Either the world would go to Hell in a hand basket or it'd be quite stable for a change. Who knows, could go either way, they're so covert it's not like even political analysts can always accurately predict what they've done, let alone what they're going to do. Gotta love that media exclusion and privacy thing they've got going on.

As for murder for murder ? Why leave people alive - they only end up dead in time anyway - why leave them around to possibly harm more people or get released and do something else.

Meh - that's a whole hodge-podge of weirdness right there. I'm all for it personally, but I do see your point. Still, maybe its best left for despotic leaders who knowingly and merrily slaughter hundreds of thousands of their own people for no real good reason beyond grudges, theological differences and regional power struggles.

War - Solved nothing .... 'cept slavery, Nazisim, Facism and Communism ....


thermo_nuclear January 2 2007, 16:48:23 UTC
Penn is a big guy but then in a none totalitarian world its not a crime to be big, not everyones got the same metabolism as the next. they're smug and like to piss off different people, they did it to the magic circle a lot. Michael Moore is a dick and P&T have said so. I don't worship them but I do think they say things more honestly and more fairly than MM as he simply doesn't like Bush, they have a go at cults and alternative therapies and general stupidity of aspects of American Culture.... Being a media voice with an opinion that is actually a good one doesn't make them reliant on cock-sucking hero worship by people who like to think he's somehow "sticking it to the man" when all he's doing is raping unpatriotic Americans and America-hatings peoples back pockets for cash. However everyone is out to make a living and if they exploit a certain market then thats good business, like System of a Down- they hate capitalism but earn lots of money out of it, and RATM so anti system they close Wall Street Down.... Shame thats where their living is coming from. Still I like P&T and can at least appreciate that they have a sense of humour about all these things but I am not totally anti- the system devil horns biker gang hardcore its unreal so it doesn't really matter. I also like Henry Rollins' stance on the whole situation and he ain't stickin it to the man anymore I guess he "sold out" but his stance is not too bad, however he like so many other anti system "the man" people and musicians like to sing about how shit things are and how capitalism is raping the world yet at the same time earn a nice living and live in a nice part of LA to sing about that... bitter irony about it is... Hank and all the others are the same as Michael Moorecock. At least P&T retain their sense of humour about it all.

China are wank. Human rights doesn't exist. Its easy to sit and say that might be nice see where it goes but I never had my family taken away from me or a gun pointed to my head, neither was I forced to believe in something i didn't agree with so i it is unfair to make an absolute judgement on that, all I know is I prefer America's ideals more than i do combo communi capitalist China.

As for the death penalty it simply doesn't work, it never has done and never will. Crime never disappeared when it was in force, like it hasn't disappeared in any other country. Thats also why despotic dictators should not exist... Its contradictory to say the death penalty is fine but Saddam was wrong because he killed 100's of thousands of people then bring theology and culture into why the death penalty is OK, Saddam murdered for his reasons according to his personal theology but thats wrong but "Hey, we are gonna start hanging our criminals", the people in Iraq died because they were criminals to Saddam Hussein. This does not make it right.

War is very useful in some instances, I like that America has the balls to do something about problems even if sometimes it doesn't make what can conceived to be the right choices to sort those problems out.


e_v_i_l January 3 2007, 09:28:14 UTC
But crime never vanished just because the justice system was conceived of by man either, dosn't mean we should stop jailing people etc does it?

Thing is, it's inherent in human nature to rail against whatever you get told - "Don't kill anyone!" - say that to a big enough group of people and someone, somewhere along the line, will.

It's all part of that joyous individuality and free-will schtick. Humanity should have a hive-mind - we'd be as scarey as hell then. One common mind and agenda without the bitching and species in fighting. Still, we are what we are and the rest of it; arguements, debates, theology, politics, law, science - it's all just bollocks that humans have imposed on our world to try and make sense of it. It's all flawed as we are all flawed and ultimately none of it will stand the test of time. Give it a few hundred years or a couple of Millenia and no-one will give 2 shits about the political parties of our current era. The wars we fight now will be about as important as a Saturday night brawl between Big Dave and Kung-fu Ken !

Anyway - who cares - everyone wants to live in the world of Supermonkey Ball anyway !


thermo_nuclear January 3 2007, 10:31:13 UTC
Hopefully I never meet kung fu ken, he sounds fruity. the type of person you would get on with very very well....lmao!!!!!!


e_v_i_l January 3 2007, 12:04:24 UTC
What do you mean "would".

Maybe I "have" ... lol



thermo_nuclear January 3 2007, 12:35:01 UTC

Dude you moved in then!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


e_v_i_l January 3 2007, 13:16:56 UTC
Was so much juicy as it was "slimey" - had to use the lube. ; P

Aye, mostly. Just finishing off bits and bobs and general unpackingness to do now. Still need to get myself some book cases etc, until then I can live outa boxes.

Looks MINT dude.


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