Something goofy I read on Tumblr that applies to right-wingers:
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incels are just the first generation of men who have been brought up addicted to porn. every single incel talking point about women is from porn. incels think women are having sex from the time they hit puberty onward bc they watch porn with pedophilic undertones or actual cp/loli, incels think women can have sex at a moments notice w any man they want bc that's what happens to women in porn, incels think women regularly have extreme sex like anal or gangbangs bc that's what porn shows them, incels think women like men who are abusive or violent bc that's what women in porn like. u know that weird meme that's being going around abt white women fucking dogs? yeah that's been an incel thing for years. why is that when men are overwhelmingly the perpetrators of beastiality? bc most men will have come across animal abuse porn by the time they're graduated high school and incels, who watch porn even more than normal men, see women having sex with animals regularly. incels are just men who's only contact with women has been through porn, men who accept that porns depiction of women is accurate, and they hate women because they totally believe what they see in porn. when they try to roleplay what they see with real women, and the women have boundaries and personalities and lives outside of sex, it infuriates them not because they're mad women have been abused and misrepresented, but because they're upset they are not getting the ultimate male fantasy they were promised from childhood.
if you ever read r/purplepilldebate, it’s literally just these guys parroting the same ideas over and over and wondering why women don’t want to be with them. they think the world is one giant orgy that they’re missing out on because of their race, jawline, or height. their brains are so fried by porn that they don’t even believe that women who aren’t having casual sex with “chads” exist.
Left wing culture is also to blame for this. The ultra left entertainment industry is full of gross pedophiles who push in every form of media the idea that teenagers are screwing like rabbits from the moment girls reach puberty (which is around the age of 12-15...sometimes earlier). Any teenager who isn't is seen as some sort of weirdo or undesirable. IRL, the opposite is true. Kids who are actually having sex that young end up damaged, emotionally-stunted and often on socialist safety nets before they are even 'grown up'.
Side note: This is why I think the demisexual movement is genius. They're taking a sexual orientation that used to be considered the 'norm' for women and trying to make it part of the queer movement, which would make people criticizing it into dirty bigots. I'd consider it the greatest act of irl trolling if the people into it didn't take themselves utterly srsly. The gays are really fighting it too, like they don't want to include normies under the umbrella of protected victim-class groups who can get a person fired from their job for criticizing them in any way.
Demisexuals also have the advantage where they can easily dodge the undesirables, such as the Roosh V idolizing sleazeballs who would screw them and drop them. They'd do the prudent thing in relationships and go through a long courtship period, bonding with a partner and making damn sure he/she is the kind of person they want to have to deal with long term.
Anyway, I wouldn't have believed the connection between the incel's skewed attitude toward women and porn addiction if I hadn't already met a heckin' lot of them online. They're actually like this, and some of them can even be kind of....normal.....ish. -Like maybe some of them have actually had sex a time or two or make enough money to move out of their parents basements. They believe so much that women are like the above account that they sit around on 4Chan and like groups talking about how the best looking women are either strippers or cam-whores. It wouldn't occur to them that pretty girls might choose to do something non-sex related. They talk about how they need to learn Roosh V's Game Theory so that they can be more like the Chads who burn through ugly whores to gain access to those wife-material rated women who are a 9 or 10 in looks they all deserve. They expect the perfect wife to be a nice little hausfrau who will also suck dick on demand and fulfill all the online pron fantasies irl.
Why do they think they deserve such a woman? Well, because they are hard workers who have good paying jobs. That's supposed to be the trade-off. Women are supposed to judge men by their jobs, whereas men are supposed to be able to judge solely on looks and sluttiness. That's why there are all these bitter assholes who are like the stalker guy at work. They wonder why a sociopath with severe aspergers would still be unmarried in his sixties when he's had such a good paying job this whole time. Surely, it's because there are too many women in the workforce. We need to go back to the good old days when women were forced to put up with men like them or starve.
Most of these men are right wing too. On the other end of the spectrum, there are fedora-tipping weirdo left-wing men who pretend to be feminists... pretending to respect women to get in their pants. They might be less choosy about looks too, but I wouldn't assume they are any less dysfunctional.