Went on Drudge and saw this interesting article about a study showing that
right wing people are more sexually satisfied than people on the left, at least in European countries where 19,000 people were interviewed in Sweden, Germany, France, Denmark, and Britain. Of course, what those places consider 'right wing' might be different from where I'm sitting in the United States. -Not sure how it'd play out here.
I thought it was humorous because the liberal arts everywhere are dominated by the left, and they are always putting out rigged studies trying to prove left leaning people are superior. Whenever a study comes out about social interactions, however, they usually show people on the right as being happier, more charitable and more likely to get into positive relationships with other people than left wingers. -So much for that 'compassionate' left.
Looked to the comments section of the article to find guesses as to why this might be true. Some people wrote that maybe it's because right wingers are more likely to form stable families, meaningful relationships, or view sex acts as being meaningful. One liberal troll put something out there about people on the right being 'boring and repressed', which makes me wonder if people on the left expect too much and are never quite satisfied with what they get.
It's entertaining seeing any of these studies because one just knows that the groups performing them never expect the right to come out in a positive light.