There's a conservative blogger on Facebook
Matt Walsh who has made putting up with FB bs almost worth it for me. Yesterday, he posted a
disturbing article from The Blaze with the caption:
"It's been announced that schools in Charlotte will no longer be using the terms "boy" and "girl." They've adopted a new gender fluid policy that allows students to be whatever gender they prefer. Boys will even be allowed to attend all-girl overnight trips, so long as they identify as girls for the duration.
To alleviate any confusion, the school system has also introduced something called a "gender unicorn," which is a mascot invented by the LGBT lobby to explain gender and sexuality to kids. No, I'm not making this up. A gender unicorn. Seriously. You have to read my piece to see this thing. It's... terrifying.
But this, of course, is just the latest bit of LGBT insanity to come out of our nation's public schools. And it's too much, I think. If there is ever going to be a last straw, this "transgender" lunacy must be it. How can we send our children into an environment where radical left wing gender theory has been adopted as a standard and mandatory program? How can we expect our kids to endure 12 years of this madness and emerge normal and healthy at the end of it all?
I am among a whole crop of new parents with very young kids, and we are all quickly trying to decide where our children will begin their educational journeys. At this point, I don't see how we can choose public school. At least I know that I certainly cannot"
Reading this, it made me think of the importance of attending school board meetings, especially if one is unfortunate enough to live in a left-wing shithole utopia. The problem with most schools is that a handful of people attend the meetings and pretty much vote into effect any nonsense they wish, whether it's for exposing children to radical left wing moral relativist brainwashing or giving kick backs to political cronies.
Your attendance could make a difference. My mom and I attended a few school board meetings, back before we had enough and moved to a red state. One time we were at a meeting, and the school board proposed giving 10K to a public park to build a tennis court. It was a project our tax dollars had no business being allocated for. Since they saw a few outsiders were there, they put the kibosch on it, saying, "Isn't this...illegal?!" Not that they care about what's legal or not. In the town where I work, -Frankfort, Illinois- one of the schools was closed down because of EXTREME mismanagement of funds. The superintendent might even be facing prison time, though I doubt it because the laws here are rigged to favor crooks. Anyway, the school board kept allowing school funds to be spent on shady businesses being run out of the school, such as doggy daycare (no joke). There was nobody at the meetings to say, "Heyy! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN BRING UP THE IDEA OF A DOGGY DAYCARE FOR A VOTE?!" We're probably not even safe in a Republican leaning state. All it would take, say, would be for a couple of screwballs who are working over their children with this gender nonsense to get on the school board. Next thing you know, they'd want to evangelize their radical ideology to your children too. Make sure you are there to say 'not a good idea' before it even goes for a vote.