Free Speech 2016

Jan 02, 2016 15:03

To kick off the new year: Sharia Law in Germany: Christian activist Heidi Mund charged with “agitation against the people” for the contents of a public prayer campaign she led in October.

"Mund" is German for "Mouth", so I can't help but wonder if this is an assumed name, because it certainly fits: her fearless, outspoken speech in favor of Christianity and the German people, against the Islamic invasion of Europe and the collaboration, if not encouragement, of this invasion by much of the (leftist) government and establishment. She entered the public eye in November 2013 when present at an "interfaith event" at the Memorial Church of the Reformation in Speyer, Germany. An imam began sounding the Islamic call to prayer, and she couldn't help but start shouting in protest. (See video.) It would seem that since then she has continued speaking boldly. Judging by this video she is smart, careful, and charismatic. I can understand why they'd want an excuse to put her away.

Well, apparently her "prayer suggestions" from this latest campaign crossed a line beyond which she can be prosecuted under German law for "agitation of the people towards violence", which is punishable by imprisonment. In case you didn't know, Germany does not have freedom of speech as Americans understand it. Government censorship is pervasive and generally socially accepted. Expressions of Nazism in particular are banned, and Leftist agitators are known to fling the "Nazi" label at any dissenters from the current program of national suicide, with the frequent result of their homes being vandalized, fired from jobs, etc.

What did she suggest that was so offensive?
“We pray for the real refugees, that they should again have hope for life, that our God will comfort them,…. (and) against the massive immigration of 90% young muslim men, who should not be building their own homeland here and that they should not rape our girls and women; that they should be send with the word of God - the Bible - back into their own home countries, there where they belong,… (We pray) against sickness and disease which the immigrants have brought with them,…We ask God for angels to stand on Germany’s borders as well as on the borders of Europe.”
You can find the entire document here. At least in the English version, I don't see anything even remotely inciting mob violence. It's much like the language of the pro-life movement, which may be tough, but explicitly eschews violence and lawbreaking. I'm having a hard time even imagining how they'd trump up the charge, but then, I don't know German law. Or maybe they will simply put her away illegally, and trust that no one with the authority to oppose it will wish to do so.

The rules are different in the USA; we prize and protect freedom of speech to a far greater extent than any of the supposedly free countries of the West. But here, on top of all our other problems, we have been hearing Progressive voices calling for an end to that freedom -- notable examples include the support of university speech codes and calls to prosecute global warming "deniers" -- but so far these voices have been relatively few and scattered. But the very boldness of today's illiberal liberals should be enough to convince us we must speak out more boldly and loudly than ever.
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