Oct 17, 2012 08:33
Okay, so I watched the debate (sorry I wasn't here for the live post, was in another room from the computer all night). Apparently some people online are taking issue with the fact that Romney said "government doesn't create jobs", but they said he turned around and said his government will create jobs. Did any of you guys imply that from what he said during the debate?
I guess this is like a two-part question. There's an actor I kind of like (used to really like, but I've backed off a little mainly because the fandom is really crazy) who retweeted something that an entertainment blogger tweeted:
Romney continues adorable streak, insisting "government does not create jobs," then insisting HIS government will create jobs. #wtf #debate
My first reaction was to be a little pissed off and think "just when I couldn't lose any more respect for this guy..." He's usually the type of person who doesn't talk politics. He has made jabs at Obama at fan conventions, mainly his stimulus, and he did make a snarky comment during the primaries about Newt denying an "open" relationship but hid his affair from his wife, etc. This is a guy from Texas who for all intents and purposes is pro-gun, maybe socially liberal but I'm not really sure.
Does this tweet prove that he's in the tank for Obama? I know, I really shouldn't care, and I guess I mostly don't. But again it just grates on me to have to lose respect for yet another actor because they have to be a political moron. :P And that I'd have to stop watching their show, buying the dvds etc (even though I still like the show). How do you guys deal with being into tv shows where the actors' politics are completely opposite of yours? I guess it just makes sense to separate the person from their performance?
Sorry if this doesn't make sense... still early and I need coffee...
elections 2012,
mitt romney,