Obama Admin Threatens Indiana's Poor with NO Medical Care to Keep Planned Parenthood Funded

May 27, 2011 12:51

Most of you probably already heard about Indiana's passage of a law that defunded Planned Parenthood within that state. Though the law is being challenged in the courts (which is something I find extraordinarily problematic, to say the least), it is currently in effect because the judge in the case would not issue an injunction against it.

So, Obama & co. are now threatening to take action against the law in order to keep money flowing into PP coffers.

The Obama administration is raising serious objections to a new Indiana law that cuts off state and federal money for Planned Parenthood clinics providing health care to low-income women on Medicaid.


If a state Medicaid program is not in compliance with federal law and regulations, federal officials can take corrective action, including “the total or partial withholding” of federal Medicaid money. The mere threat of such a penalty is often enough to get states to comply. Actually imposing the penalty would, in many cases, hurt the very people whom Medicaid is intended to help.

- The New York Times

Or, as the New American puts it, "Feds Threaten Poor in Indiana Over Abortion Law." And all this despite the fact that there are indications that PP, at least in Indiana, is violating the Hyde Amendment anyway and not even making a token effort at keeping medicaid funds separated from abortion ones.

We've all seen in the past that Obama absolutely will throw people or groups under the bus if they aren't useful to him or are costing him political capital. Yet he's repeatedly gone out on a limb for Planned Parenthood. He threatened to defund the military for them, and now to essentially cut medical care for Indiana's poor population (people he's supposed to like, since he's meant to be all "stickin' up for teh little dudes" and so on). What exactly do they do for him? Because there's no way I believe that they get him that many women voters to make them worth all this. Or does he just love killing the unborn that much?

health, obama administration, pro life, barack obama, abortion

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