Fic reading

Mar 07, 2009 21:12

is it blindgo time yet? I have been using my Itouch to read fanfics on the pit in bed. This means i have powered trhough an AMAZING am out of fan fiction lately. the problem is i am out of Good known fics. i ahve started to drift. I mean i have even ran out of Naruto fics i can read and we ALL know how much of that there is. I have tip toed into Yu Yu Hakusho (this is ALL joisbishmyoga fault) and even stumbles onto a Yu-Gi-Oh (Kaiba/Yugi and it was GOOD) story that i am still trying to figure out how it was that good.

So dear crickets after preusing everyones favororites lsit ont he pits i am still in fic short suply. is it time for a new round of blind go or a drabble Fest SOMETHING to keep me from having to write my own, Garra loves somone fic PLEASE!
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