Oreska House, Rhiminee

Jan 03, 2008 23:34

One moment Seregil had been running from a botched break-in, city guard on his heels, the next he was stumbling to a stop in a familiarly cluttered wizard's workroom. He had long enough to turn to the wizard in the room and ask, "Nysander, what-" before the nausea from being magically transported overwhelmed him and he had to turn and throw up in the convenient basin which his former Master had obviously placed there for that purpose.

"Forgive me, dear boy," Nysander said as Seregil slumped back and focused on trying to get his stomach back under control. "But you haven't been answering my messages."

"Most people would have taken that as a hint," Seregil said, giving him a pointed look.

Nysander ignored that, instead handing Seregil a cup of tea. "I've a proposition for you."

The tea was prepared just the way he liked it and Seregil found his indignation fading in the face of this proof of Nysander's knowledge of him. "Why, do you have something you need stolen?" he asked with less bite than he otherwise might have.

"Not at that this time, thank you, but possibly in the future..." Nysander said with a smile.

There was something about Nysander's tone of voice that had Seregil looking at him more closely. "What kind of proposition?"

Instead of answering, Nysander asked, "What do you know about the Watchers?"

"They're rumoured to be the Queen's unofficial spy network," Seregil replied. "So secret that even the Queen doesn't know who they are."

Nysander smiled. "The fact that you know that already tells me that I'm making the right decision," he said. "How would you like to be one?"

Seregil stared at Nysander, his mind quickly putting together what that offer meant. "You're a Watcher."

"I am," Nysander confirmed. "And I think, dear boy, that with your talents you'd make an excellent one yourself -- with a little training. And experience."

"What, are you asking me if I want to go to spy school?" Seregil joked.

"Well, it's not actually for spies exclusively, but essentially, yes." While Seregil stared at him, Nysander elaborated. "It's a school that focuses on many special skills and abilities, in a land a very long way from here. Not only will it give you a chance to learn things that a Watcher might need, but it wil give you practice in fitting in to new and strange situations." He smiled slightly. "I doubt you'll find it too difficult."

Seregil turned the offer over in his head. It sounded good -- almost too good. After his failure as Nysander's apprentice he was wary to believe in another opportunity. But still... "You... really think I can do this?"

Nysander's smile widened and he clapped a hand to Seregil's shoulder. "My dear boy, I believe it was made for you."


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