Thomas made a card for some new friends a few weeks ago when they moved into their house. We haven't seen the kids since, so yesterday when their mum was here I gave it to her to take home. Today the boy called to speak to Thomas and invite him over to play. Thomas was on the computer and refused to speak. I apologised and hung up. Then T got really upset, said he had wanted to rip up the card and not give it to them. Ended all this with an "I hate you" and has been sent to his room. He hated me yesterday, too, and I'm already tired of hearing it.
He's jealous because N was home sick today and he thinks he got to do all sorts of fun stuff. He didn't, we played monopoly.
Jealousy only going to get worse. N's birthday is Monday and T is always a wee shite. Thinks he should get birthday presents too. How did we raise a child to behave like this?
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