Jul 26, 2004 01:58
So she was cornered by some friend I wasn't expecting
Some unibrowed Gui Piccioto-looking motherfucker with
an obnoxious, theater fag look-at-me laugh
who I took for a toolshed
until he went on a 10 minute tangent on Beckett's earlier works,
proving me, not for the first time this week,
how woefully uninformed I am.
But they did get a good laugh out of my last name at one point
and I did meet someone I'd like to hang out with, if they weren't
leaving town in two weeks.
I mentioned the signs earlier
from Mel to Lorenzo
scattered, slapped anywhere
utterly ineffectual and desperate.
I can see myself pasting the same sentiment anywhere it will stick
In a few months time, I won't be needed to tag along
Nor for anything else.
and in a year, w'll disperse, but it'll be easier to separate
less time was spent together than with older friends, and less was at stake
and if I've learned one thing in 10 months
It's that everyone is replaceable.
I am consistently and relentlessly confronted by the fact I'm not good enough.
for a relationship, for a writer, for a curly redhead in a pink shirt
for a new city, for making shit work out
There's no revelations here, just that
When you leave everything behind
All you have left is chasing something down