Sep 30, 2003 03:30
Letter to the editor in today's Knoxville News-Sentinel:
Some of your columnists and even some of your own editorials, in your haste to criticize the Bush administration, show incredible naivete about the worldwide terrorism threat. Ellen Goodman in her column Sept. 11 ridicules the belief, held strongly by a large majority of Americans, that Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were connected. She believes they were connected only through evil intent, to paraphrase.
Any person who believes the terrorist organizations are not interconnected worldwide and tap into government resources friendly to them all over the world should not have their opinions honored by being published in the local newspaper. I will not continue to pay for it.
Iraq has been greatly used in the past by the worldwide terrorist organizations to legitimize their communication, travel and perform other functions, which has helped them infiltrate the world. Eventually, it will come out that Saddam funded terrorists and was dangerously close to supplying chemical and bio weapons. The weapons are undoubtedly still in the Middle East, probably in Lebanon or Syria.
And Iraq is not alone. Other countries in the Middle East have done the same. The best way to get rid of Islamic terrorism is to meet it head on at its roots and at its source of supply, and that is now Iraq. Even now, terrorists are making haste to Iraq to take on America there. Is that unexpected?
Iran, Syria and others (Yasser Arafat) still have not got the message that they will not win this struggle. You and your paper should be used to attack and demoralize the enemy. Instead, some of you are giving the enemy comfort. You don't have to publish Ellen Goodman, Georgie Anne Geyer and some of the others whose ideas would be disastrous to America if followed.
You could select some columnists who are not syndicated by The Washington Post, The L.A. Times, and up-East establishment papers. I think many of them know better what is happening with terrorism and how it is being promoted and financed worldwide today by even some who say they are our friends.