Aug 27, 2003 21:00
Oh yeah, Casualties of Religion practice has been going really well. I'm ready to play more shows, but we gotta wait for the other guitar player's school schedule to iron itself out. I might have to bring it down there to T-town if it keeps going well.
We still haven't ironed out who is the bass player and who is the guitar player. I originally went to bass, but we liked it better if we had two guitars for more noise (even if we're just playing the same thing most of the time), and the guy we originally wanted to play the other guitar wasn't really coordinated enough. So he's been playing bass and I've been banging around that old Bullet of mine. I don't really mind either way. I'm already Result of War's bass player, so if I'm Casualties' guitar player, that's fine with me too.
I'm just so tired of watching bands I don't like, I want to get this on the road.