bit of a friend's cut

Nov 18, 2010 17:34

Just a heads up-- I do livejournal cuts fairly often. They are not meant to be personal attacks & I probably still wish you very well in life and hope that you succeed & are happy. However, for one reason or another, we just didn't 'click' as LJ friends.

If you have been cut recently & you're wondering why, it's probably for one (or a combination) of the following reasons::

✻ You don't comment very often and I am left wondering if you even read.

✻ Perhaps you *do* comment, but your comments are consistently brief and uninspired (ie- I post an entry with 3 paragraphs of text, and 2 photos... and all your comment says is "cute pics." UGH!)

✻ You don't post in YOUR journal often. So while I am making you privvy to the details of my life, you are not returning the favor.

✻ You're a negative nancy/debby downer etc. I get that some people are happier/more fortunate/cheerier than others.. but I just REALLY can't devote my mental energies to faithfully reading & commenting on journals that are consistently negative and pessimistic. Life is too short.

✻ You update your journal TOO often and I am left feeling overwhelmed.

✻ Or, for whatever inexplicable reason I just felt like we never really 'clicked' despite you being a cool person, good writer & great commenter. It happens!

Again- If I have removed you-- I promise that it was not done out of badness or anger. It's simply that due to the personal nature of my journal entries, I make a real effort to keep it free of people with whom I do not feel a real connection with. I am looking for legitimate, quality friendships with the people here and as such am a bit picky in terms of who I connect with. I hope that you can understand this, and I hope that there are no hard feelings.

friends cut

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