Everything can go from being so good to being pretty crappy real fast. Life truly is a roller coaster.
This past week was a challenge, to say the least. I had to deal with so much stupid, petty drama. I mean, we are in college after all, I think it's time we stop acting like we're in middle school, right? I am not about to continue the drama. I am the kind of person who will ignore it. If someone else can't stop being a drama queen, I don't need that person.
Yea. So anyway, I have been pretty sick this past week, with a horrendous cold. My nose is so sore from all the blowing i've been doing. (I'm going to pretend that didn't sound dirty.) I'm a fountain of snot. (lovely picture, eh?) It's been hard living in my suite, too. It's just about time to come home. I haven't been home since January 7th. Pledging my frat is going well, but it is pretty stressful at times. Needing to get service hours done, biweekly meetings, committee meetings, interviews, it's just a long process and I'll be happy once it's over. My classes are going pretty well, some better than others, but all in all i'm quite satisfied with my schedule.
What I miss:
Hannah (who just got guitar hero and is going to verse me once I get home)
Luna pug
My bed
My shower
Lipton soup
Availability of random foods
John's Boy pizza
The distance from my house to New York City
New York City
The Jersey shore (i'm going next week... any takers?)
My TV room
The chair in my living room
Garden State Plaza
Glen Rock starbucks
Forts in my garage
CYO Retreats
Van Dykes
Going to bed before 2:30 am
Sleeping in
Summer days
Being tan
Being surrounded by people i love
Plus LOTS more
and I especially miss Figaro and cannot wait to hug him on saturday.
Also, I miss my friends DEARLY. I want to see ALLLLLLL of you next week. (and if that involves a lot of driving on my part, so be it. I love you.)
I am exhausted and burnt out. I have to now write a paper on the Bhagavad-Gita, which is fine, but it's after 1 and I'm at the library and it closes at 2 and I'm going to have to walk back to my dorm in the cold and I'm dreading that. Yea.
Friday will be fun. I'm going to DC and chilling with Katie and we are seeing the Thermals and then sleeping at G-Town and taking the chinatown bus to NYC on Saturday. I cannot wait to just collapse on my couch.
Aight I'ma go do workies now. Love you all.