Apr 13, 2008 03:07
I've been in this damn internetcafe for hours now! Why am I so stupid? It's expensive damn it! But what is a girl to do? I needed to upload new pictures to my picturejournal and then I downloaded some stuff and one clip takes very long. But to stop downloading when I gotten to half? No. So let's just stay here half an hour more and do a lot of unnecessery things. I did send a mail to a friend though, which I should have sent like two weeks ago or something. haha.
Anyway. Last Friday I went to the Kanjani-concert. It was oh so lovely! The seats were absolutely great too! And I got eyecontact with a lot of them! Mostly Ryo. Oh god oh god oh god!
And we're seeing them again in Osaka at the beginning of May! HAPPY!
If I got several millions from somewhere I could live my life just going to concerts and all other kinds of shows. It's the ultimate high! (well that and acting) And I would be satisfied with living my life like that. But now, I'm having an eceonomic crisis and can't afford well, anything. Damn.
Maybe it's lucky that those damn KAT-TUN aren't having any concerts while I'm here. No money. >__<
But! I made up my mind and I'll be back in Japan in the fall! I just didn't see anything else to do. I'm not ready to go back to living in Sweden just yet (if I ever will be), and I can't really look for schools in Sweden for this fall anyway since all the auditions for the actingschools are in April-May. So. I'm going back in Sept-Oct and I'm staying 'til April-May. It will be weird though, to spend Christmas here. I love Christmas. And I want to be with my family during that time. But well, I'll survive.
But now I can kinda look forward to getting back to Sweden in June, cause I know it's only for about three months. It will be lovely to see all my friends and fasmily again! YEY! And I can be truly happy to see them now, not feeling like I want to be somewhere else. ^^
Anyway. My downloading is done. Time to get HOME and SLEEP!