My throat is itching. Stupid stupid Sweden for making me sick like this. Today I've been packaging lots of uchiwas. To find things to send in that actually fits for uchiwas are such a pain.
I'm also scanning loads of pictures, mostly of Subaru, but also of course of all of eito. There are some really adorable young days-photos. And then there are all these photos that I don't know how to sort and it's so annoying. I'm still having a hard time figuring out what came first when it comes to photos before my time in the fandom. Oh poor me. XDD
Also, my 47 pamphlet is kind of falling apart. >___< I take such care of my collection, but I can't even look in it without pages loosening. Is this a common problem with that pamphlet or is it just my luck?
Oh well. I have some really sweet Subaru photos to make up for it. I mean, look at this:
And aaaw how cute!
Aaaw. I love chobi!Subaru! ♥♥♥♥♥♥