Officially the best Subaru pic of the year!
The rest of the pics can be found
HERE. The calendar in all is just soooo shiny! *_______________* I WANT IT NOW! Stupid money.
On another note I looked through some old pictures today. I miss acting so much!
I mean where else do a whole bunch of people stand staring at someone stomach for ages?
I really wonder were I would've been today if I hadn't gotten in to that school? It changed me and made me grow so much. And I miss it. So much.
I miss all of our improvisations.
These pictures are from our monster impros.
I also miss the atmosphere at the school. When you're working with acting you learn to really see and appreciate the small things. And when you work so closely together you have the ability to create something big together.
I miss always sitting on the floor. .
I miss the performance-times when we had worked with a certain block for a while.
I miss the black box. So much. ♥
Also I miss all the playing, the leavethrowing in the fall and the sledge riding in the winter and the crazy parties and the baking and the long nights of talks and tea.
There was a spilled glass of drinks and someone brought down a big roll of toiletpaper. This is what happened. ^___^
But the best part was the play at the end. The most painful and scary thing I have ever done, but also the most rewarding. I found pictures from the play.
I remember that we struggled so much to get the feeling of this scene and to really make it mean something, but the result was great.
I had to work a lot with the violent and angry part of my character and that was really scary. To use yourself and your own feelings as an instrument to bring your character to life also means finding parts of yourself you'd rather left unseen.
But the playing! It has it's advantages of acting like a 10-year-old. ^___^
Of course, all hell breakes loose sooner or later.
Oh god. I miss acting so much! There's nothing I find as rewarding as standing on a stage, becoming someone else and just, play. Please, let me get in to that school. It would be the greatest thing ever! I need it!
14 days left in Japan. Or, technically, 13 now. Oh God. That feels weird. I need to start cleaning out a little next week, since my friend is here the last week and I don't want to spend too much time at home, cleaning when she's here.
Ah~ Long entry is long.
Should go sleep now. XDDD