I have the most amazing friends on earth. Really. I must have done something great in my former life, cause I don't know anything that I've done in this life to deserve the sweethearts that are my friends! ♥
I think there is something very wrong with me. I go from superdepressed to superhappy in a millisecond. Yesterday night I spent I-don't-wanna-know-how-long curled up in bed crying, and today I feel great! I think it has a whole lot to do with the above mentioned great friends of mine. ♥
Anyways, since I didn't get to sleep until maybe 6-7 this morning I tried to do a lot of stuff to make myself happier. So I decided to line up all the Johnny's-stuff I bought since I got here, my collection always makes me happy. Yesterday it kinda made me want to slap myself though, since there are quite a bit of stuff, and seeing as I've been in all of these economic troubles for a long time I shouldn't have all that stuff;
1. Almost 200 shopphotos. O___O How I managed that is more than I understand, I haven't even bought anything of Ryo's NEWS-photos since Happy Birthday! it could be the around 50 pics of Subaru from his solocon though. ^^;;;
2. 4 Uchiwas - Uchi solocon, Ryo NEWS-con, Fujigaya Ebikisu-con and Subaru countdown.
3. 4 penlights - Eito summertour, NEWS wintertour, Ebikisu con, Johnny's penlight. The NEWS one is a gift from a friend though.
4. 7 clearfiles - Kyo to kyo with Subaru, Hina, Yoko and some other person on, eito 47 tour, MITEI ICHI! (christmas gift), Uchi solocon, Ryo NEWS con, Fujigaya Ebikisu con and Subaru 47 con. The Subaru one is up for sale as soon as I get my salespost up, since I realized I allready bought it last time I was here.
5. Pamhlet - Flat Five Flowers, Okura solocon, Tsubasa World Wing, Ebikisu, Kyo to Kyo
6. CD - Musekinin hiro both LE, Happy Birthday LE+RE
7. Random goods - 47 tour; wristband, Subaru mousepad and the collective cards-thingie, Mitei Ichi Subaru keychain, FuraFura Towel, Shirt and Photosets, Uchi con poster, Bags from Uchi, NEWS and Ebikisu.
8. Not really goods but.. 6 doujinshis.
Ok. Now I know what happened to all my money!
But the most important stuff are these:
FuraFura, Uchi and Jrock-family are some of the greatest concerts I've ever been to.
If I could, I would spend all my time going to concerts.
And I still can't believe that Subaru actually saw me, and that he smiled his wide smile, pointed and waved to me. That moment I will remember forever. I assure you!
I will try to write something reportisch about the Q?/FiVE/FuraFura-con and the NEWS con tomorrow.
And then I have my, ehum, end of the year-post that I started on sometime before the Christmas, that I want to do too. hoho. Should at least get that one posted before it has turned to February!
Last but not least, I'm trying this one again, please indulge me, I love taking pictures!
Ask me to take pictures of any aspect of my life that you’re interested in or curious about. It can be anything from my favorite shirt to my cell phone. Leave your requests as a comment to this entry.
Oh, BTW. Prince of Tennis. Oh the gay! ♥