Well I haven't written a thing in my journal for ages. Almost not at all. I'm just not the best of friends with understanding how LJ works. Or well, I understand it just fine up to the posting-things.
And what got me to write now is the AMAZING fic I've been reading by
kamexkame called "Hold me, Thrill me, Kiss me, Kill me". Just the title. That song is purely amazing! A Batman-song if I don't remember wrongly. Anyway. That fic is so purely amazing that you just must love it. And I wonder if it's ok for me to write this? If kamexkame don't want me talking about her and she sees this, well just tell me and I'll delete it. I just think that evereone should read it!! It's oh so beautiful! And it's RyoKame and humour and hot sex. Well, what could go wrong?!
And since I'm writing, I have gotten myself a blog! A swedish one, so, if any Sweeds (can you say that?), would happen to pass by, please take a look at my gorgeous blog. Oh damnit! How do you link in this thing? DAMN YOU LJ!
http://johnnysfangirl.blogspot.com aaah. now! Since I'm such a geek without fantasy I choose the nerdiest name ever on my blog. wellwell.
Have I got anything else to talk about? naaaah. I'm off to watch Yuukan Club ep 2 with subs! Cheers for Love Song!