So. I'll get started now. This will be long and flaily, I know it already. Hope you don't mind! ^^
To start off, I went to Harajuku to the Gurakudoh ticket shop and found this amazingly cheap ticket, the prize less than the original one. Lucky! ^^
And then I went straight to Shin-Yokohama to get in line for the goods. There was no line to talk about though, but the goods where so beautiful! Pics at my last post. ^^
And here are some pics of the Arena, just cause I like pictures. I will probably update this entry later when there are pics of his costumes and stuff. ^^
Arena and goods-stand. ^^
Anyways, after a whole lot of waiting there was finally time to line up. I always get so nervous when I'm going in since I don't have a membership and I worried that people will start asking questions. They never do though. The guy who was checking my bag asked "Do you have camera?" in very cute English though. I lied. Not that I would ever dare to take pics in there anyways. ^^
My seat was Arena, C block in the 17th row. Really really nice seats. Close to the stage in the back. I got really good views of them when they were on that stage. ^^
The seats next to me on both sides were never taken, so I had a lot of room to stand on during the concert. There was a few empty seats here and there, in front of me there was a whole line of seats untaken, until the middle of the con when to girls came in, but still, about 6 untaken seats around me. But Yokoari are big and that's not really much to talk about, although I think it's sad.
I talked to the two sweet girls sitting next to me in my line before the concert. One was a Kitayama-fan, but also like Yasu a lot. hoho. Sweet.
The lights got put out, everyone started to scream, the penlights went on. The sight of a whole arena with penlights in all kinds of colours. Just beautiful.
And then Question? was on the main stage.
Mezamero Yasei
The PV with Matchy went on now and then.
Midnight Shuffle
Beautiful Mind
Member introduction
Parallel world
New Song
I honestly don't remember very much of this. The songs were nice and all, but it has all gotten foggy in my mind after what came next.
On the screens there were pictures of Uchi, from his junior days up until now. The once I remember clearly are a picture of him in the K8 costume with feathers and the last one, which was of Uchi in the K8 shirt when he went on stage at K8's Dome-con. By this time I had goosebumps all over.
There was a lot of screaming at the center seats. Uchi came up on the middle stage with a black cape on, and he was lifted up on a platform, the venue was still dark. Then he took of the cape and the lights came on. He was wearing a white coat with gold and silver details. Very glittery and he looked so beautiful, under the coat he was dressed all in white, and had one of those skirts that they like so much in Johnny's. I love them for that. He was so extremely beautiful. From the platform he was lifted up on, to the stage there was this black, see through cloth with lights in it, blue and white I think. So so so so so beautiful, and then he sang
Unknown ballad.
I have no idea what this songs name is. But, he sang it beautifully. By this time I was crying so much. To actually see him on stage again. Magic. That's the only word I have for it. Pure magic. And his beauty, it was like a kick in my stomach. He is beautiful in all the pictures and everything, but up there on stage, singing his heart out, I've never seen anything like it before. (I see at the set list
shatteredtenshi has written that the song is called "All the way").
Believe my story
It's kinda a blur to me now. But I think there was before this that the rest of the member were introduced. Kisumai came out in there blue and red-costumes I think. A lot of screaming from the fans for them. And well yeah. I don't know. They ran around a lot. Ah. I don't know really. Uchi was beautiful in white.
Let's go!Let's go!
Suki na dake Today
During this song they had all been gathering at the main stage.
Uchi shouted Tadaima and the deafening sound of all the fans answering Okeari was pure magic!
Here he took of his coat, showing his all white clothes underneath. White trousers, white shirt and this beautiful skirt-thingie looking lovely around his hips.
He got a guitar around his neck.
And then:
New song with Question?
I don't really remember how it went, just that I loved it so much. I was kinda in a haze of happiness, waving my penlight around and yeah. ^^
And then he introduced the next song:
Master Key
He put on a black and red jacket. And then went back to his micstand and sang this. I don't know. To hear that live. I overuse some words here I know, but MAGIC! OMG. I could barely breath! And he was hotness himself performing this!
OMG the dancing. He moves like a god! And Kisumai too! And OMG. Think they were in the middle stage at some point here? Maybe. God, I need a fancam! ^^;;; He introduced Kisumai. Yeah. And dancing. A lot.
New song
Kisumai was doing the back dancing. It was all beautiful and hot and I dieddieddied. Uchi ended up on the back-stage, near me. And when the last tunes of this song was over, he shouted "Kisumai" of "Kis-My-Ft2" and went off stage.
Kisumai was at the middle stage and had gotten there roller skates on.
Yeah. Roller skates. They had black costumes with coloured details, different coulor for everyone. That skated around the hall. Don't really remember.
Kitayama and Fujigaya ended up on the back-stage, and Uchi came out again. Wearing this lovely purple and I think it was a velvet jacket, white hat, black arm warmers with small chains on, I think the trousers was purple too.
Good-bye Thank you
Together with Kitayama and Fujigaya they were lifted on this platform and the back-stage. Uchi was singing with them, adding some pitching and stuff. During Fujigayas solo part Uchi started touching his but and they got quite the hang on it, with Fujigaya moving his ass back and forth while Uchi was moving his hand. When Kitayamas solo part came Uchi did the same to him, but Kitayama also touched Uchi back. I was pleased. During the whole song the three of them played around a lot and was being all cute. They all seem to get along really well. And it was nice to see them all playing around so much. Uchi had this huge smile on his lips all the time!!
And then the whole arena went crazy cause;
All of Me for you
I screamed so much when this started. OMG! OMG! OMG! I thought I would die for real. Think KansaiJrs back danced.
And then it went straight into this one. Uchi was being all sex on a stick and I wouldn't have been able to tear my eyes from him even if I'd wanted to!
They all went on to the middle stage. Kisumai on one side, Kanju on the other and it evolved into a medley of both of the songs. With kick-ass dancing! And to hear him sing these K8- and NEWS-songs really made me (and all of the audience) so happy!
OMG! A song I never thought I'd be able to hear live! Amazing. Uchi got the audience to shout "1234 stand up!" and 5678 dream on!" and we did it happily! And Uchi was just a bundle of energy on scene!
Knockin' Trackin'
Don't remember much, was in chock after Stance. ^^
Then everyone gathered at it was time for the
I'm not gonna talk so much about this, cause I didn't understand everything and I think there are better MC-reports out there. But some highlights:
Uchi wanted water, Kiriyama came with water, but Uchi had already gotten tea, Kiriyama was sad. Uchi tried to down the whole bottle, the audience shouted, asking him to down it all. When he only had a little little left he spilled on himself and made this cute crybaby-face that we all recognize. Darling!
Uchi was two mm from kissing Kiriyama, Kiriyama got chocked and threw himself on the floor. One of the other Jrs (no idea who anymore, sorry), apologized to the audience and told us that he had gotten a kiss from Uchi.
There was a lot of things that I think I understood, but in case I'm wrong I'm not writing it down. ^^;;;
But everyone did say to Uchi that he was nice and cute.
Uchi played with his arm warmers all the time.
They talked about hotels and cleaning ladies.
Uchi laughed loud and with his mouth wide open. So cute.
It was one of the Jrs birthday.
And there was a VTR from Ryo-chan! Uchi didn't know about the VTR before, it was a surprise from the Jrs. Ryo was sitting in a sofa, looking like an old man in his new haircut and big glasses. He talked really fast and nervously, but he was cute of course. He said something about it being a 3-4 years since Uchi was in a concert, he said something about him coming to K8's and NEWS concerts. And well, I don't really remember that much. Either than he seemed really flustered and yeah. Cute.
Uchi was so happy for the VTR from "Ryo-chan". For some reason I think it's so cute when Uchi calls him Ryo-chan. Even if everyone else does too. ^^
And Kitayama said something about Uchis lips looking soft or something. Kyaaa~
And then it was time to start up again.
New song (Christmas song)
Uchi took of his arm warmers, and got a guitar again. This was a really beautiful ballad, and a great way to start up the concert again. Everyone was still sitting in their seats, waving their penlights. I really really liked this song!
Don't remember much. A lot of dancing? When the song ended he was at the back-stage and introduced the Jrs.
Jr Medley
- Give me
- Oretachi no Seishun
- Jitabata Junjou
All of these were Kansai Jrs I think. The third or second one I really really liked.
- Fire Beat Kisumai wore gold outfits and Kitayama and Fujigaya went down on there knees, doing their thing. Oh how I love them.
And then! Then Uchi appeared on a wagon on the third floor. He was wearing, pink and silver-pants, a white shirt with some print on it, glittery pinkish cap and pink- and black striped arm warmers.
And he started singing:
K8 and NEWS medley
- NEWSNippon The first tunes of this song and the whole arena went crazy! I was so thrilled!!! He was taking people hands up there and being cute and lovely and OMG!
- Naniwa Iroha Bushi When this song started I got even more fired up, and he was so close to us then! I was at the 2nd floor, so he didn't go by me that close, but it was still close and omg, and yeah. I still get goosebumps when I think about it! LOOOOOOVE!
- Kibou~Yell~ Everyone was doing the dances, everyone was singing, I was in a high!
- Tabibito I love this song soooo much! At the end of this song he had come to the end of the trail and was getting onto what I thought was another wagon, but it was just some kind of construction so he could climb down and walk down to the stage close close close to the audience. He was talking nonsense kinda on the way down to the stage, once he climbed down that thingie. The song had already ended and everyone on stage was just waiting for him to get down.
The Jrs told him that he looked pretty in pink. We all agree!
Once on the stage he made these wobbly knees and said that it was really scary climbing down that thingie. He looked like the Princess Crybaby he always was! CUTE!
Then he went and took his cap and arm warmers off and got this glittery pink/orange coat. Everyone told him that he was cute in pink again.
And then he announced it!
V.West Medley OMG! I was soo thrilled. During these songs footage of the V.WEST-days was shown on the screens. Really young Uchi, Yasu and Maru. So sweet! Before he starting singing the first song he looked up at the screen and made an embarrassed face. He played the guitar during these songs too!
- 24 Jikan with me
- Aitte?
- Answer
- Fighter
I don't know what to say about this apart from it being all lovely and great and OMG and I cried a little again.
Nijiiro no Sora E Uchi wrote it? I'm not sure, but I think so?
It was so beautiful. A ballad. He was on the middle stage and got up on the same platform as the first song. He was so beautiful. He sang something like "minna ni arigatou". He pointed at the audience lots of times. And then he started tearing up more and more. I'm amazed that his singing still sounded great cause you could really see how he was fighting his tears. By this time my tears was flowing, and I just couldn't stop it. He looked so fantastic up there, he really is one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen in my life! And he sang pouring all his feelings into the song. It was pure magic.
When the song ended he stood at the middle stage and said his thank yous. His voice broke. And he kept repeating Thank you thank you! Then he turned around and walked back to the main stage and you could see how he wiped tears away going there. When he was saying his last thanks before he got off stage he couldn't say anything and he had to take a minute to recollect. I was bawling my eyes out.
Then he went off stage and everyone started shouting "Hiroki! Hiroki! Hiroki!"
- Shissou Friday Night Uchi appeared jumping up from the floor. I love this song! He was running around being sweet and lovely. He wore the same trousers as before and a white plain shirt.
- Dreamin' Blood This song I love even more and I went totally crazy when it started to play! During this song he through out signboards. Only two. One of them he was gonna through near us. But when he was throwing it he accidentally did something and instead of the board flying up it flew right in the face of one of the fans! A girl only a a few rows from me got the board.
Uchi was making this really tormented face and shouted "Gomen!" to the girl he threw the board at. I think she was mostly just happy that he saw her though. ^^ And it was hilarious the see his face! Poor thing! Ending up hurting your fan is not something you want to do. ^^
After the song they all got back to the main stage. And Uchi introduced them all. They didn't film Kitayama when he was being introduced the camera wasn't filming him so he got to do it again.
Last someone introduced Uchi and he smiled into the camera with this cute cute cute face!
The screaming for more started again.
Double encore
Believe my storyThey were all just running around being sweet. The song ended with silver confetti!
When they were walking back to the main stage the audience started shouting for more, but Uchi broke off the shouting and once again told us how much he appreciated everyone coming, and how happy he was for the warm welcoming and yeah, thank you.
Even though we tried to get him out again, he didn't come. The encore was really short I have to say.
And well. That's it! I missed loads of things I'm sure. But this is still the most coherent report I've ever written!! O__O
The concert was all through fantastic. Uchis happiness and playfulness was a delighting to see. His voice has grown a little with him, and he all in all seems more mature now, but he still has his Princess-complex. And when he started crying there at the end, it was heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. Cause now he was finally back on stage, but everything he must have gone through before he got to this. The waiting and the not knowing. But he came back, and that he did with a bang!
I'm thrilled that he sang both eito- and news songs. But no of them was from after the suspension. I think that was a deliberate move, to not create any expectations. And honestly. I do want him to get back in Kanjani, I really do! But to see him like that yesterday, made me think that this is ok too. As long as he get to be on stage again it doesn't matter how. (This does not mean that I will stop wanting him back with eito though.)
Ok. I did it. I finally made a complete concert report. I'm proud!
As a finish I'll show you the bag that I forgot to take a picture of yesterday, and a pic of me at 3AM when I'm tired as hell but still on a concert-high. ^^
That's all folks! I don't have the energy to check this thoroughly now, I'll just do a spelling check and post, I hope it's ok though! Will probably edit later.
Credits for the setlist: Edit: I'm in desperate need of an Uchi icon. If anyone wants to share pleaaase tell me! ^^