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Apr 15, 2012 09:03

The last few weeks have been up and down, which is as expected.  I've had a hard time at social gatherings, I find that I actually feel worse after them.  I think it's a combination of being around people who know, and aren't talking about it; people who don't know, and not wanting to bring things down by telling them; and just being around people who are cheery and happy in general, and having an irrational desire for everyone to be as sad as I am.  I know it's all silly, but it will take time, and in the meantime, I'm happier being alone, or with just one or two other people.

In other realms of my life, work is good.  This semester's professor is a hard ass, so school is a little more challenging than past semesters.  I'm reading Game of Thrones, and watching the new season.  I've been watching lots of shows on Netflix lately, last night I started watching United States of Tara, which is about a woman with Dissociative Identity Disorder, and is funny, sad, and really well done.  I also watched the first season of Downton Abbey, which I really liked.  I've been working on spinning a lot, I've been less into knitting lately, but I do want to get some projects knit.  Sometimes it feels like with spinning, I can see my progress a lot faster, and with knitting it takes a long time to see progress.

Anyway, that's about what's going on in my world. 
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